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Created October 1, 2013 04:08
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data Term = Var Int
| Abs Term
| App Term Term
deriving Eq
instance Show Term where
show (Var index) = show index
show (Abs body) = "λ." ++ show body
show (App lhs rhs) = "(" ++ show lhs ++ " " ++ show rhs ++ ")"
shift :: Int -> Term -> Term
shift distance term =
let go cutoff v@(Var index)
| index >= cutoff = Var $ index + distance
| otherwise = v
go cutoff (Abs body) = Abs $ go (cutoff + 1) body
go cutoff (App lhs rhs) = App (go cutoff lhs) (go cutoff rhs)
in go 0 term
subst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
subst index substitute term =
let go offset v@(Var index')
| index' == index + offset = shift offset substitute
| otherwise = v
go offset (Abs body) = Abs $ go (offset + 1) body
go offset (App lhs rhs) = App (go offset lhs) (go offset rhs)
in go 0 term
evaluate :: Term -> Term
evaluate term =
let go (App (Abs body) rhs@(Abs _)) = shift (-1) (subst 0 (shift 1 rhs) body)
go (App lhs@(Abs _) rhs) = App lhs (go rhs)
go (App lhs rhs) = App (go lhs) rhs
go term = term
term' = go term
in if term' == term then term else evaluate term'
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