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Forked from gr2m/triplet-color-theory.jpg
Created April 11, 2019 13:02
Show Gist options
  • Save merin83/31e54393921e1c483e3ae103d2402965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save merin83/31e54393921e1c483e3ae103d2402965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Add an image to your gist

Credit: How to add an image to a gist

  1. Create or find a gist that you own.

  2. Clone your gist (replace <hash> with your gist's hash):

    # with ssh
    git clone [email protected]:<hash>.git mygist
    # with https
    git clone<hash>.git mygist
  3. Change to your gist’s directory:

    cd mygist
  4. Add and commit the image:

    git add tulip.jpg
    git commit -m "Add tulip to gist"

    The ideal size is 750 × 200 pixels.

  5. Update remote:

    git push origin master

Pin image to your GitHub profile

On your GitHub profile page, press "Customize your pins" and find the Gist you just created.

See @nat’s twitter announcement for an animated explanation

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