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Created September 2, 2024 06:24
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DATA DB 0.9, 2.7, 6.7, 11.5, 16.5, 20.6, 24.2, 24.3, 19.6, 13.9, 7.3, 2.8
MOV CX,12 ; Set counter to 12 months
SUB BX,BX ; Clear BX, used as accumulator
MOV SI,OFFSET DATA ; Set up pointer
BACK: MOV AL,[SI] ; Move byte into AL
CBW ; Convert byte to word, add 1's to AH to extend AL to AX
ADD BX,AX ; Add to BX
INC SI ; Increment pointer
DEC CX ; Decrement counter
JNZ BACK ; Loop if not finished
MOV AX,BX ; Move result to AX
MOV CL,12 ; Set up for division by 12
DIV CL ; Find the average
.model small
.stack 100h
message db 'INT example by Mert Bozkir 299860733', 0Dh, 0Ah
db '.. press any key to exit$'
- .code
main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
- ; Calculate screen position for centered text
mov ah, 0Fh ; Get video mode
int 10h
mov al, 80 ; Assume 80 columns
sub al, 36 ; Message length (adjust if needed)
shr al, 1 ; Divide by 2 for center position
mov dl, al ; Column
mov dh, 12 ; Row (middle of 25 row screen)
- ; Set cursor position
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
- ; Display message
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, message
int 21h
- ; Wait for keypress
mov ah, 07h
int 21h
- ; Exit program
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
[Initialize Data Segment]
[Clear Screen]
[Calculate Center Position]
[Set Cursor Position]
[Display Message]
[Wait for Keypress]
[Exit Program]
.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db "Average calculator by Mert Bozkir 299860733", 0Dh, 0Ah
db "Enter single digit positive numbers (max 20) and enter 0 to terminate number entrance$"
msg2 db 0Dh, 0Ah, "The average is: $"
numbers db 20 dup(?)
sum dw 0
count db 0
- .code
main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
- ; Clear screen
mov ax, 0003h
int 10h
- ; Set cursor position to middle of screen
mov ah, 02h
mov bh, 0
mov dh, 12
mov dl, 10
int 10h
- ; Display initial message
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg1
int 21h
- ; Input loop
mov si, 0
; Read a character
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
- ; Check if it's '0' (terminate)
cmp al, '0'
je calculate_average
- ; Check if it's a valid digit (1-9)
cmp al, '1'
jb input_loop
cmp al, '9'
ja input_loop
- ; Store the digit
sub al, '0'
mov numbers[si], al
inc si
inc count
- ; Check if we've reached 20 numbers
cmp count, 20
jae calculate_average
- jmp input_loop
- calculate_average:
; Clear screen
mov ax, 0003h
int 10h
- ; Calculate sum
mov cx, 0
mov cl, count
mov si, 0
mov ax, 0
movzx bx, numbers[si]
add ax, bx
inc si
loop sum_loop
- ; Calculate average
div count
; Display result
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg2
int 21h
- ; Convert result to ASCII and display
add al, '0'
mov dl, al
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
- ; Exit program
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
.model small
.stack 100h
message db 'MOUSE example by Mert Bozkir 299860733', 0Dh, 0Ah
db '.. press right button of the Mouse to exit$'
main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
; Set video mode (80x25 text)
mov ax, 0003h
int 10h
; Calculate center position
mov ah, 03h
mov bh, 0
int 10h
mov al, 12 ; Rows to move down (25/2 - 1)
sub dh, al
mov dl, 20 ; Columns to move right (80/2 - message_length/2)
; Set cursor position
mov ah, 02h
mov bh, 0
int 10h
; Display message
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, message
int 21h
; Initialize mouse
mov ax, 0000h
int 33h
; Show mouse cursor
mov ax, 0001h
int 33h
; Get mouse status
mov ax, 0003h
int 33h
; Check if right button is pressed (bx & 2)
test bx, 2
jnz exit_program
; Small delay
mov cx, 0FFFFh
loop delay_loop
jmp mouse_loop
; Hide mouse cursor
mov ax, 0002h
int 33h
; Exit program
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
msg db 'Enter a word: $'
msg5 db 'To check whether the letters from the first digit to the median digit of a word are identical to the letters from the last digit to the median digit (If the string is more than 30 letters, you will get an error message.): $'
msg1 db 'It is a Palindrome $'
msg2 db 'It is not a Palindrome $'
msg3 db 'Length is too long $'
buffer db 10,?, 10 dup('$')
mov edx,offset msg4 ;Load the address of the "WELCOME TO THE PALINDROME EXPERIMENT" message into edx
mov ah,09h ;Set AH to 09h (invoke string printing service)
int 21h ;Call interrupt to print the message
mov edx,offset msg5 ;Load the address of the explanation message for palindrome check into edx
mov ah,09h ;Set AH to 09h (invoke string printing service)
int 21h ;Call interrupt to print the message
mov edx,offset msg ;Load the address of the message prompting for user input into edx
mov ah,09h ;Set AH to 09h (invoke string printing service)
int 21h ;Call interrupt to print the message
mov edx,offset buffer ;Load the address of buffer to edx to get user input
mov ah,0Ah ;Set AH to 0Ah (invoke buffered input service)
int 21h ;Call interrupt to get input from the user
mov edi,esi ;Copy the address of input from ESI to EDI
mov eax,[buffer] ;Get the length of input stored in buffer
dec eax ;Because an extra byte is stored in the buffer structure after the 0Ah call
add edi,eax ;Set EDI to point to the end of input
mov ebx,30 ;Load 30 which is the MAXIMUM Length into EBX
cmp ebx,eax ;Check if the length of input is less than 30
jl print_msg3 ;If it's less than 30, jump to print_msg3
mov eax,[esi] ;Get a character from the start address
mov ebx,[edi] ;Get a character from the end address
cmp eax,ebx ;Compare the characters
jne print_message2 ;If they are different, jump to print_message2
inc esi ;Move the start address to the next character
dec edi ;Move the end address to the previous character
cmp edi,esi ;Check if there is an intersection between EDI and ESI
jl check_palindrome ;If there's no intersection, continue palindrome check
print_message: ;Print msg1 which is 'It is a Palindrome'
mov edx,offset msg1
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp ank ;Jump to ank
print_message2: ;Print msg2 which is 'It is not a Palindrome'
mov edx,offset msg2
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp ank ;Jump to ank
print_msg3: ;Print msg3 which is 'Length is too long'
mov edx,offset msg3
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp exit ;Jump to ank
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