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Mervin Tan Kok Wei mervintankw

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How to setup AWS lambda function to talk to the internet and VPC

I'm going to walk you through the steps for setting up a AWS Lambda to talk to the internet and a VPC. Let's dive in.

So it might be really unintuitive at first but lambda functions have three states.

  1. No VPC, where it can talk openly to the web, but can't talk to any of your AWS services.
  2. VPC, the default setting where the lambda function can talk to your AWS services but can't talk to the web.
  3. VPC with NAT, The best of both worlds, AWS services and web.
mervintankw / WordPress Pods Simple Currency List
Last active May 30, 2021 06:22 — forked from AmrMekkawy/currency-dropdown-list.html
Currency list for WordPress pods simple list
USD|United States Dollars
GBP|United Kingdom Pounds
DZD|Algeria Dinars
ARP|Argentina Pesos
AUD|Australia Dollars
ATS|Austria Schillings
BSD|Bahamas Dollars
BBD|Barbados Dollars
BEF|Belgium Francs

Using Github with Two Factor Auth.

It's a fairly common complaint that after enabling github two factor authentication that command line utilities stop working. The underlying issue is command line utilities send your username and password with each request to github, using two factor authentication disables github from accepting just your username and password, so your command line utilities such as git appear to stop working. Github will still accept a personal access token instead of your password however.

Re-enabling your command line utilities (OSX)