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colindean /
Last active January 23, 2023 21:25
HOWTO: Use a DisplayLink USB graphics adapter on Crunchbang Linux v11 Waldorf with partial upgrade to Debian Jessie
danishabdullah / Postgres kill all idle in
Last active February 27, 2024 19:55
Postgres kill all idle in transaction

given a database named db:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) 
FROM pg_stat_activity 
WHERE datname='db'
  AND state = 'idle in transaction'
pior /
Last active April 12, 2017 15:37
Keep your deployment secrets out of your PasterDeploy configuration using Environment Variables
import os
from pyramid.config import Configurator
def main(global_config, **settings):
settings = {k: os.path.expandvars(v) for k, v in settings.items()}
config = Configurator(settings=settings)
return config.make_wsgi_app()
dergachev /
Last active July 17, 2022 03:03
SPIN Selling seminar

During the PyLadies lunch here at PyCon, I heard 5 people stand up and say that they would not have given a talk if an individual (in many cases Jessica McKellar) hadn't pestered them repeatedly to give a talk. I saw later that someone else had heard this from 10+ people at the lunch.

Increasing speaker diversity is both about sending emails "to the right mailing lists" but it is also largely dependent on individuals reaching out to new (and veteran) speakers to get them to submit talks.

So - a lot of this work has to happen on multiple fronts at the same time - the CFPs need to go out to lots of lists, and individuals need to reach out to lots of individuals.

The only way I have seen this be consistently successful is if many people on the conference committee are all making individual requests to speakers, and the people making the requests are trusted by the talk submitters. It's a systemic issue involving visibility, trust, mentorship in general, talk submission mentoring, and mentorship of talk c

namuol /
Last active December 11, 2024 12:21
rage-quit support for bash

rage-quit support for bash


Put flip somewhere in your $PATH and chmod a+x it.

Copy fuck into ~/.bashrc.

lahwran /
Last active November 19, 2018 19:46
Programming learning resources

This list was originally authored by a friend who has been learning programming for some time (tuningmind)

Programming learning resources

Note: Many books may be available from a nearby public library. Check there as well!

These two are about the best I've seen for starting from scratch:

# Compliments to Nick Coghlan for coming up with this sort of scheme
# foo 1.2 is not installed, this command would download, and "install"
# it into ~/.pip/dists/foo-1.2/ and then link $VENV/site-packages/foo -> ~/.pip/dists/foo-1.2/
$ pip install foo==1.2
# In another virtualenv this command would see that ~/.pip/dists/foo-1.2/ already
# exists so instead of downloading + installing it, it simply links $OTHER_VENV/site-packages/foo/
# to ~/.pip/dists/foo-1.2/
$ pip install foo=1.2
wolever / wifi_and_power.rst
Created November 8, 2011 02:57
Wifi and power for medium sized tech events

This document is a practical checklist for anyone who needs to provide wifi and power for medium sized (10-100 attendants) tech events where attendees will expect to be able to plug in their laptops and get on a wireless network.

Full disclosure: I'm not an expert at this, but hopefully the things I've learned will be better than nothing.

General Notes