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Created October 19, 2021 16:56
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A weighted sampling without replacement
from collections import defaultdict
from random import choices
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
def weighted_sample_without_replacement(population, weights, k=1):
weights = list(weights)
positions = range(len(population))
indices = []
while True:
needed = k - len(indices)
if not needed:
for i in choices(positions, weights, k=needed):
if weights[i]:
weights[i] = 0.0
return [population[i] for i in indices]
data = [
("object_5", 0.99),
("object_2", 0.75),
("object_1", 0.50),
("object_3", 0.25),
("object_4", 0.01),
_, weights = zip(*data)
counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for _ in range(1000):
sample = weighted_sample_without_replacement(data, weights, k=len(data))
for i, (key, _) in enumerate(sample):
counts[i][key] += 1
df = pd.DataFrame([[key, *value] for key, values in counts.items() for value in values.items()],
columns=["position", "label", "Counts"])
g = sns.catplot(
data=df, kind="bar",
x="position", y="Counts", hue="label",
ci="sd", palette="dark", alpha=.6, height=6
g.set_axis_labels("", "Counts")
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