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Last active December 23, 2023 22:40
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GML Structured Logger
/** A logger instance that can be used for writing log messages
* @param {String} _name The logger's name. This will appear in any log messages produced by this logger
* @param {Struct} _bound_values Optional struct of bound values which will be included in all log messages produced by this logger
* @param {Struct.Logger} _root_logger The loot logger instance that is this logger's parent
* @author Meseta
function Logger(_name="logger", _bound_values=undefined, _root_logger=undefined) constructor {
/* @ignore */ self.__name = _name;
/* @ignore */ self.__bound_values = (is_struct(_bound_values) ? _bound_values : {});
/* @ignore */ self.__file_handle = -1;
/* @ignore */ self.__filename = undefined;
/* @ignore */ self.__root_logger = _root_logger;
/* @ignore */ self.__auto_flush = false;
/* @ignore */ self.__sentry = undefined;
/* @ignore */ self.__sentry_send_errors = false;
/* @ignore */ self.__enable_fatal = true;
/* @ignore */ self.__enable_error = true;
/* @ignore */ self.__enable_warning = true;
/* @ignore */ self.__enable_info = true;
/* @ignore */ self.__enable_debug = true;
/* @ignore */ self.__pad_width = 48; // Width of the padding used in the output
/* @ignore */ static __global_json_logging = true;
/* @ignore */ static __global_logging_enabled = true; // Set to false to globally disable logging
/** Globally enable or disable loggin
* @param {Boolean} _enable
static set_global_enabled = function(_enabled) {
self.__global_logging_enabled = _enabled;
/** Globally set loggers to json
* @param {Boolean} _json_mode
static set_global_json = function(_json_mode) {
self.__global_json_logging = _json_mode;
/** Output a debug-level log message
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
static debug = function(_message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined) {
// Create a debug-level log message
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled || !self.__enable_debug) return;
self.__log(Logger.DEBUG, _message, _extras, _type);
/** Output an info-level log message
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
static info = function(_message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined) {
// Create an info-level log message
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled || !self.__enable_info) return;
self.__log(Logger.INFO, _message, _extras, _type);
static log =; // this is an alias of info
/** Output a warning-level log message
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
static warning = function(_message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined) {
// Create a warning-level log message
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled || !self.__enable_warning) return;
self.__log(Logger.WARNING, _message, _extras, _type);
static warn = self.warning; // sometimes this gets mixed up, so why not both
/** Output an error-level log message. This will also send a sentry report if sentry is enabled in the logger instance
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
static error = function(_message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined) {
// Create an error-level log message
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled || !self.__enable_error) return;
if (self.__sentry_send_errors) {
var _stacktrace = debug_get_callstack();
array_delete(_stacktrace, 0, 1);
self.__log(Logger.ERROR, _message, _extras, _type, _stacktrace);
else {
self.__log(Logger.ERROR, _message, _extras, _type);
/** Output a fatal-level log message
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
static fatal = function(_message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined) {
// Create an fatal-level log message
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled || !self.__enable_fatal) return;
self.__log(Logger.FATAL, _message, _extras, _type);
/** Output a stacktrace (as a debug-level log)
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
static stacktrace = function(_message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined) {
// Log a stacktrace
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return;
var _stacktrace = debug_get_callstack();
array_delete(_stacktrace, 0, 1);
self.__log(Logger.DEBUG, _message, _extras, _type, _stacktrace);
/** Output a log for an exception
* @param {Struct} _exception The exception to log
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _level The log level for this exception
static exception = function(_exception, _extras=undefined, _level=Logger.ERROR, _type=undefined) {
// logs a GML catch exception, or one of our own Exception structs
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return;
if (is_struct(_exception)) {
// If it has a message component, log it
self.__log(_level, _exception[$ "message"] ?? instanceof(_exception), _extras, _type, _exception[$ "stacktrace"]);
else {
// Not a struct, so maybe a string? log it
var _stacktrace = debug_get_callstack();
array_delete(_stacktrace, 0, 1);
self.__log(_level, string(_exception), _extras, _type, _stacktrace)
/** Create a child loger from this loger instance, with optional variables bound to it
* @param {String} _name Name of the child
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to bind to the child logger
static bind_named = function(_name, _extras=undefined) {
// create a new logger instance with extra bindings
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return new Logger(_name);
// combine current bound values
var _struct = variable_clone(self.__bound_values);
// copy in the extras
if (is_struct(_extras)) {
struct_foreach(_extras, method(_struct, function(_name, _value) { /* Feather ignore once GM1041 */struct_set(self, _name, _value) }));
var _root_logger = is_undefined(self.__root_logger) ? self : self.__root_logger;
var _new_logger = new Logger(_name, _struct, /* Feather ignore once GM1041 */_root_logger);
if (!is_undefined(self.__sentry)) {
_new_logger.use_sentry(self.__sentry, self.__sentry_send_errors);
return _new_logger;
/** Create a child loger from this loger instance, but with the same logger name
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to bind to the child logger
static bind = function(_extras) {
// create a new logger instance with extra bindings, but same name
return self.bind_named(self.__name, _extras);
/** Sets the logging level of this logger instance. Any logs with severity lower than the minimum log level will be silenced
* @param {String} _minimum_log_level The minimum severity level for logs that this logger instance will output
static set_level = function(_minimum_log_level=Logger.DEBUG) {
self.__enable_fatal = false
self.__enable_error = false;
self.__enable_warning = false;
self.__enable_info = false;
self.__enable_debug = false;
switch(_minimum_log_level) {
case Logger.DEBUG: self.__enable_debug = true;
case Logger.INFO: self.__enable_info = true;
case Logger.WARNING: self.__enable_warning = true;
case Logger.ERROR: self.__enable_error = true;
case Logger.FATAL: self.__enable_fatal = true;
return self;
/** When file logging is enabled, explicitly flush the log to file */
static flush_to_file = function() {
// Flush pending log messages to file
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return;
if (self.__file_handle != -1) {
self.__file_handle = file_text_open_append(self.__filename);
/** Enables logging to file
* @param {String} _filename Name of the file to log to
* @param {Bool} _auto_flush Automatically flush the file after every log. This is quite an expensive operation
static log_to_file = function(_filename, _auto_flush=false) {
// Configure this logger to log to file
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return;
self.__filename =_filename
self.__auto_flush = _auto_flush;
if (is_undefined(self.__filename)) {
self.__filename = self.__generate_log_filename();
self.__file_handle = file_text_open_append(self.__filename);
if (self.__file_handle == -1) {
throw "Could not create log file";
return self;
/** Close the file log */
static close_log = function() {
// Explicitly close the log
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return;
if (self.__file_handle != -1) {
/** Enables Sentry for this logging instance
* @param {Struct.Sentry} _sentry The Sentry instance to use
* @param {Bool} _sentry_send_errors Whether to automatically send error-level logs to Sentry as reports
static use_sentry = function(_sentry, _sentry_send_errors=false) {
// Attach a sentry instance to logger, to automatically add breadcrumbs
// and optionally automatically send to sentry on errors
self.__sentry = _sentry;
self.__sentry_send_errors = _sentry_send_errors;
return self;
/** Internal function for actually doing the logging
* @param {String} _level The log level to report at
* @param {String} _message The log message
* @param {Struct} _extras Any key/values to include in the log message
* @param {String} _type Optional log type (used for Sentry breadcrumbs)
* @param {Array<String>} _stacktrace Optional stacktrace to include
* @ignore
static __log = function(_level, _message, _extras=undefined, _type=undefined, _stacktrace=undefined) {
// Create a log message
if (!self.__global_logging_enabled) return;
if (!(_level == Logger.FATAL and self.__enable_fatal) and
!(_level == Logger.ERROR and self.__enable_error) and
!(_level == Logger.WARNING and self.__enable_warning) and
!(_level == Logger.INFO and self.__enable_info) and
!(_level == Logger.DEBUG and self.__enable_debug)){
// copy bound values
var _combined = variable_clone(self.__bound_values);
// add Type
if (!is_undefined(_type)) {
_combined[$ "type"] = _type
// copy in the extras
if (is_struct(_extras)) {
struct_foreach(_extras, method(_combined, function(_name, _value) { /* Feather ignore once GM1041 */ struct_set(self, _name, _value) }));
var _output
if (self.__global_json_logging) {
var _struct = {
logName: self.__name,
times: self.__datetime_string_iso(),
severity: string_upper(_level),
message: string(_message),
extras: _combined,
if (!is_undefined(_stacktrace)) {
_struct[$ "stacktrace"] = _stacktrace
_output = json_stringify(_struct);
else {
if (!is_undefined(_stacktrace)) {
_combined[$ "stacktrace"] = _stacktrace;
var _level_str;
switch(_level) {
case Logger.FATAL: _level_str = "fatal "; break;
case Logger.ERROR: _level_str = "error "; break;
case Logger.WARNING: _level_str = "warning"; break;
case Logger.INFO: _level_str = "info "; break;
case Logger.DEBUG: _level_str = "debug "; break;
default: _level_str = string(_level);
if (struct_names_count(_combined)) {
_output = $"{self.__datetime_string()} [{_level_str}][{self.__string_pad(self.__name + "] " + string(_message), self.__pad_width)} {json_stringify(_combined)}";
else {
_output = $"{self.__datetime_string()} [{_level_str}][{self.__name}] {_message}";
if (!is_undefined(self.__sentry)) {
if (self.__sentry_send_errors and _level == Logger.ERROR) {
self.__sentry.send_report(_level, _message, undefined, undefined, self.__name, _combined, _stacktrace);
else {
if (is_undefined(_type)) {
if (_level == Logger.FATAL || _level = Logger.ERROR || _level = Logger.WARNING) {
_type = Logger.ERROR
else if (_level == Logger.INFO || _level == Logger.DEBUG) {
_type = _level
else {
_type = "default";
self.__sentry.add_breadcrumb(self.__name, _message, _combined, _level, _type);
/** Internal function for actually writing output to file
* @param {String} _output The line of text to write
* @ignore
static __write_line_to_file = function(_output) {
if (self.__file_handle != -1) {
file_text_write_string(self.__file_handle, _output);
if (self.__auto_flush) {
else if (!is_undefined(self.__root_logger)) {
// if I don't have a file handle, but have a root, and use grandparent's output
/** Generate the log filename from the current time
* @return {String}
* @pure
* @ignore
static __generate_log_filename = function() {
var _datetime = date_current_datetime();
var _filename = $"log_{self.__date_string(_datetime, "")}{self.__time_string(_datetime, "")}.log";
return _filename;
/** Pad the string with spaces to a given length
* @param {String} _str The string to pad
* @param {Real} _length Length of padding
* @pure
* @ignore
static __string_pad = function(_str, _length) {
var _spaces_to_add = _length - string_length(_str);
while(_spaces_to_add >= 8) { _spaces_to_add -= 8; _str += " "; }
if (_spaces_to_add >= 4) { _spaces_to_add -= 4; _str += " "; }
if (_spaces_to_add >= 2) { _spaces_to_add -= 2; _str += " "; }
if (_spaces_to_add == 1) { _str += " "; }
return _str;
/** Get a formatted datetime string
* @pure
* @ignore
static __datetime_string = function() {
var _datetime = date_current_datetime();
return self.__date_string(_datetime) + " " + self.__time_string(_datetime);
/** Get a formatted datetime string in ISO date format
* @pure
* @ignore
static __datetime_string_iso = function() {
var _old_tz = date_get_timezone();
var _datetime = date_current_datetime();
var _str = self.__date_string(_datetime) + "T" + self.__time_string(_datetime) + "Z";
return _str;
/** Get the formatted date
* @param {Real} _datetime The current datetime using Gamemaker's datetime format, e.g. date_current_datetime()
* @param {String} _separator The character to use as separator
* @pure
* @ignore
static __date_string = function(_datetime, _separator="-") {
var _str = string_format(date_get_year(_datetime), 4, 0) + _separator +
string_format(date_get_month(_datetime), 2, 0) + _separator +
string_format(date_get_day(_datetime), 2, 0) ;
return string_replace_all(_str, " ", "0");
/** Get the formatted time
* @param {Real} _datetime The current datetime using Gamemaker's datetime format, e.g. date_current_datetime()
* @param {String} _separator The character to use as separator
* @pure
* @ignore
static __time_string = function(_datetime, _separator=":") {
var _str = string_format(date_get_hour(_datetime), 2, 0) + _separator +
string_format(date_get_minute(_datetime), 2, 0) + _separator +
string_format(date_get_second(_datetime), 2, 0);
return string_replace_all(_str, " ", "0");
/// Feather ignore GM2017
// Log severity levels. These match the sentry level macros. so are interchangeable
static FATAL = "fatal"
static ERROR = "error"
static WARNING = "warning"
static INFO = "info"
static DEBUG = "debug"
// Log types. These match the sentry breadcrumb types
static TYPE_DEFAULT = "default"
static TYPE_ERROR = "error"
static TYPE_INFO = "info"
static TYPE_DEBUG = "debug"
static TYPE_NAVIGATION = "navigation"
static TYPE_HTTP = "http"
static TYPE_QUERY = "query"
static TYPE_TRANSACTION = "transaction"
static TYPE_UI = "ui"
static TYPE_USER = "user"
/** A quick debugging function that is an alias for the root logger's debug() output
* @param {Any} _message The message or data to send
* @param {Struct} _extras Optional extra data to send
function trace(_message, _extras=undefined) {
LOGGER.debug(_message, _extras);
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