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Last active November 26, 2022 13:21
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Let's Encrypt certification creation on macOS
## Create Let's Encrypt certificate for DOMAIN and www subdomain of DOMAIN.
[email protected]
.PHONY: default install generate
default: install
brew update
brew install certbot
mkdir -p lets-encrypt
certbot certonly --key-type rsa -d $(DOMAIN) -d www.$(DOMAIN) --email $(EMAIL) --preferred-challenges=dns --manual --config-dir lets-encrypt --work-dir lets-encrypt --logs-dir lets-encrypt
openssl pkcs12 -export -out lets-encrypt/archive/$(DOMAIN)/certificate.pfx -inkey lets-encrypt/archive/$(DOMAIN)/privkey1.pem -in lets-encrypt/archive/$(DOMAIN)/cert1.pem -certfile lets-encrypt/archive/$(DOMAIN)/chain1.pem
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