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Save mestachs/5641917 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Using the Jenkins Groovy Post build plugin to execute the following after every build
// It would be nice not to have to specify these here... the repo name should be available within the hudson
// api somehow, but I didn't know how to get it. The access token should maybe be saved in a config file, and
// read in at runtime?
GITHUB_REPO_NAME = 'myusername/myreponame'
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'my_github_api_v3_access_token'
env =
if( == hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS) {
COMMENT = "This commit <a href=${env.BUILD_URL}>passes</a>"
} else {
COMMENT = "This commit <a href=${env.BUILD_URL}>fails</a>"
pb = new ProcessBuilder('python', '/var/lib/jenkins/')
pb.environment().put('GITHUB_REPO_NAME', GITHUB_REPO_NAME)
pb.environment().put('GIT_COMMIT', env.GIT_COMMIT)
pb.environment().put('COMMENT', COMMENT)
p = pb.start()
manager.listener.logger.println p.text
# /var/lib/jenkins/
import sys, os
sys.stderr = sys.stdout # helpful for debugging groovy calling, so we dont have to check stderr
# using, (pip install PyGithub)
from github import Github
access_token = os.environ['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN']
repo_name = os.environ['GITHUB_REPO_NAME']
commit = os.environ['GIT_COMMIT']
comment = os.environ['COMMENT']
github_user, repo_short_name = repo_name.split('/')
g = Github(access_token)
user = g.get_user(github_user)
repo = user.get_repo(repo_short_name)
commit = repo.get_commit(commit)
print 'python github comment script finished sucessfully'
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