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'use strict'
var BASE_REWARD = 10000000000;
function getReward(height, interval) {
const halvings = Math.floor(height / interval);
// BIP 42 (well, our own version of it,
// since we can only handle 32 bit shifts).
unsigned int static DeltaGravityWave(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const uint32_t nTime, const Consensus::Params& params)
/* DeltaGravityWave Difficulty Re-Adjustment Algorithm
* Based on a combination of:
* -- DarkGravity v3, written by Evan Duffield
* -- Delta algorithm, written by Frank ([email protected]) with adjustments by Malcolm MacLeod ([email protected])
* */
const CBlockIndex *BlockLastSolved = pindexLast;
const CBlockIndex *BlockReading = pindexLast;
metacoin /
Created May 2, 2018 20:59

GetBalance RPC command research notes

Main function defined in wallet.cpp

GetBalance() is defined in wallet.cpp:

CAmount CWallet::GetBalance() const 
    CAmount nTotal = 0;
metacoin /
Last active April 29, 2018 19:59
FLO history


Launched June 17th 2013, the first coin with a metadata field on the blockchain for the purpose of building blockchain applications.

A timeline of major events in FLO's history and Joseph's involvement


# Script made by reddit/u/ben-btc &
# Updated (v2.0) by Joseph Fiscella (metacoin) for FLO v0.15.3
# Designed for a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04
# Modified from and special thanks to reddit/u/ymmv2 for creating the btcAutoNode script

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am metacoin on github.
  • I am metacoin ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2CEF 73A0 F702 63BF 6782 364A 4228 BE5F 95C7 F42F

To claim this, I am signing this object:

metacoin / Alexandria Private Alpha
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Alexandria Private Alpha


The Alexandria backend is distributed via binary but can also be built from source.

Binary Downloads

Coming soon.

Building Alexandria

Alexandria JSON format (twitter plugin)

Alexandria version: 1.0

Twitter Plugin version: 1.0


metacoin /
Last active February 22, 2016 14:47
System for accepting payments in multiple cryptocurrencies

multicurrency payment system


The multicurrency payment system enables payments in multiple crypto-currencies by providing a backend structure to organize payment addresses. Payment listeners are created to constantly scan the blockchain and fire off callbacks when certain criteria is met. The multicurrency payment system facilitates easy access to cross-blockchain functionality.

Key Features