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<map version="freeplane 1.12.1">
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<map version="freeplane 1.12.1">
<!--To view this file, download free mind mapping software Freeplane from -->
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"house": {
"detail": "The house is located on Suze Robertssonstraat 7",
"link": "",
"color": "red: 255, green: 120, blue: 120, alpha: 255",
metacoma / json
Created October 20, 2024 15:06
{"menus": [{"shortcut": "Control+Space", "shortcutID": "kando_dynamic", "centered": true, "iconTheme": "material-symbols-rounded", "root": {"type": "submenu", "name": "Kubernetes", "icon": "deployed_code", "iconTheme": "material-symbols-rounded", "children": [{"type": "command", "data": {"command": "", "delayed": false}, "name": "eventing-controller-b974797d9-tts7k", "icon": "terminal", "iconTheme": "material-symbols-rounded"}, {"type": "command", "data": {"command": "", "delayed": false}, "name": "eventing-webhook-545c79cd88-qtf95", "icon": "terminal", "iconTheme": "material-symbols-rounded"}, {"type": "command", "data": {"command": "", "delayed": false}, "name": "imc-controller-686559bb47-5db9l", "icon": "terminal", "iconTheme": "material-symbols-rounded"}, {"type": "command", "data": {"command": "", "delayed": false}, "name": "imc-dispatcher-564778f4f-rcqgp", "icon": "terminal", "iconTheme": "material-symbols-rounded"}, {"type": "command", "data": {"command": "", "delayed": false}, "name": "jetstream-ch-co
metacoma /
Created July 9, 2024 17:18
modelina java output
> start
> ../../node_modules/.bin/ts-node --cwd ../../ ./examples/$npm_package_config_example_name/index.ts
public class TmuxPaneIoDocument {
private String input;
metacoma / py
Created July 9, 2024 13:12
modelina python serialize/desialize
class TmuxPaneIoDocument:
def __init__(self, input):
self._input = input.input
self._output = input.output
self._ps1 = input.ps1
def input(self):
return self._input
$ kubectl get clusterrolebinding | grep admin-binding
provider-kubernetes-admin-binding                                                ClusterRole/cluster-admin                                                                    64m
kcl-function-admin-binding                                                       ClusterRole/cluster-admin                                                                    58m
provider-helm-admin-binding                                                      ClusterRole/cluster-admin                                                                    58m
crossplane-admin-binding                                                         ClusterRole/cluster-admin                                                                    3m37s
$ kubectl apply -f xrd-claim.yaml -f function-kcl.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f resource.yaml
$ kubectl get composite
metacoma / docker-compose.yaml
Created April 11, 2024 09:35
wstunnel reverse proxy example
# Save this content to the file docker-compose.yml
# docker-compose pull
# docker-compose up
# tldr
# client1 ---.
# --- internet --- aws-host:8081 --- wstunnel reverse tunnel --- internet --- wstunnel --- websocket-application:8080
# client2 ---`
version: '3'
metacoma / sh
Created March 29, 2024 12:06
kanbanflow create task
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# example usage
# echo "Task description" | ./
set -x
. ./.env
description="$(cat | jq -Rs '.')"
planning_column=`curl${API_TOKEN} | jq -r '.columns[] | select(.name == "In progress") | .uniqueId'`
echo ${planning_column}
metacoma / project.ncl
Created March 21, 2024 10:59
organist project nickel
let inputs = import "./nickel.lock.ncl" in
let organist = inputs.organist in
let k8s_namespace = import "./k8s/namespace.yaml" in
let knative_memory_broker = import "./k8s/knative/eventing/broker-memory.ncl" in
let knative_memory_broker_configmap = import "./k8s/knative/eventing/configmap.yml" in
let users = import "./users.yaml" in
let teams = {
alpha = {
name = "Alpha"