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Created October 27, 2008 10:14
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Ramesh Jain - Keynote

  • Semantic Gap for users (bits, chars, lists -> events/objects, concepts)
  • Data and users: triangle
  • Semantic gap exists in text too - search engines do little beyond string matching
  • Semantic web tools help, much still to do
  • Life - events, experiences and multimedia: eventweb
  • Lots of multimedia - raises problems
  • Multimedia semantics: many approaches
  • Content-based: different model layers (data -> concepts)
  • MPEG7 - describing multimedia data at different levels, description tools
  • COMM: Core Ontology on Multimedia (based on MPEG7 and DULCE)
  • LSCOM: Large scale concept ontology for multimedia
  • uses MPEG7, around 1000 concepts
  • aim to automatically identify these concepts in multimedia
  • resulted in segmentation, tagging, annotations approaches
  • But is this dealing with semantic gap? Or just refining tools on both sides of semantic gap
  • semweb side: ontologies, rdf, ...
  • content: concept detection with machine learning to build models
  • Current approaches
  • semweb effective at high level
  • machine learning effective at low level
  • Simple example
  • what is a dog (dogs are animal most pictured?)
  • can we make a model to recognise dogs?
  • Contenxt: Content + Context
  • represent context and knowledge
  • current multimedia information retrieval
  • silos - separate stores
  • technology worked well with text (humans are the sensors, convert experience into symbols)
  • Bridge: unified indexing through events
  • objects and events (endurants and perdurants in Dulce)
  • Events are good for dealing with dynamic situations and relationships
  • Event representation
  • information, experiential (text, data), temporal, spatial, causal, structural
  • 1 dimensional space, isolated
  • Link events together, eventweb
  • Start with photos
  • taking a photo
  • group types of events
  • Create upper ontology for events
  • Composite events
  • Tempero-spatial event model, map ontologies to it (e.g. wedding event ontology)
  • Modern cameras
  • event capture devices - EXIF
  • merge with other (content, LSCOM, calendars etc.)
  • Event based query
  • mixed content/metadata search
  • e.g. Florence outdoor day, Florence indoors
  • Parse e-mail
  • Audio experience
  • Conclusion
  • Semantic Multimedia web requires briding the semantic gap

ISWC 2008 Notes


Peter Mika: Semantic Search and the Social Web

  • Data web (linked data, deep data) versus Annotated Web (annotating existing web of documents, shallow web)
  • Search Monkey focus on Annotated Web
  • Crawling annotated web: rdfa, dataRSS (Atom + RDFa)
  • Results: good feedback: more click through, publishers excited
  • Data quality issues: complex semweb issues result in strange quirks
  • Vocabularies: small coverage, different proposals/versions, not maitained, not designed for the annotated web
  • Using metadata for search: how this data might be used to resolve hard queries (images of paris hilton)

Matthew Rowe: exporting data from facebook

Milan Stankovic: Modeling Online Presence (slides)

Kotaro Nakayama: Wikipedia Mining for Triple Extraction Enhanced by Co-reference Resolution

  • Wikipedia has dense link structure: average of 46 links per page
  • Good anchor text on links: clear, brief
  • Create a web ontology from Wikipedia by NLP
  • Co-reference resolution is the challenge, e.g. Microsoft, Microsoft corporation, ">>it<< develops..."
  • Use anchor text to extract synonyms - works nicely, but improvements
  • Lead sentence: e.g. "Foo is a bar", >50% of articles have an "is-a" lead sentence
  • Important sentence: work out highly related links (e.g. just a general term ("multimedia" versus a specific term "Microsoft Windows")
  • Association Thesaurus - e.g. (sports => basketball, football)
  • PFIBF: short path between linked page and current page => strong relation between them, e.g. Microsoft => Microsoft Windows (strong), Microsoft => Multimedia (weak) *For best results, use a mix of mehtods: article title, frequent pronoun, synonym detection

Maurizio Tesconi: Semantify automatically turn your tags into senses

  • Social tagging: good source of messy social data
  • Sense based tagging
  • Tag Disambiguation Algorithm (TDA)
  • Tagpedia
  • I didn't get how tags in delicious are mapped to tagpedia concepts... :(

Guillaume Ereteo: A state of the art on Social Network Analysis and its applications on a semantic web

  • Sociograms [Moreno 1993]
  • Community detection: hierarchical (agglomerative, divisive), or based on heuristic
  • Centrality
  • Social Network Analysis typically reduces rich relations to untyped graphs

Sergio Fernandes: RDFohloh, a RDF wrapper of Ohloh

  • Ohloh: Open Source Network

LODr -- A Linking Open Data Tagging System

  • Making Web 2.0 data available as Linked Data

Harry Halpin: Beyond Walled Gardens: Open Standards for the Social Web

  • Wants to set up W3C working group on this

Uldis Bojars: Expressing Argumentative Discussions in Social Media Sites

  • Ontology for modeling argumentation on social networking sites
  • Could model comments on /music in this way?

Selver Softic: Towards Opinion Mining Through Tracing Discussions on the Web

  • Understanding Advertising
  • Crawling forum data using SIOC, then basic NLP on post/comment title(?)
  • Provides nice visualizations and query mechanisms
  • Full NLP on post/comment content will be investigated in future work

Alexandre Passant and Yves Raimond: Combining Social Music and Semantic Web for music-related recommender systems

  • Use Semweb techniques for linking up Web 2.0 services: SIOC, Linking Open Data
  • MOAT - Meaning of a Tag
  • Music Recommendations:
  • Collaborative based filtering (i.e. user) - long tail (biased towards popular artists)
  • Content-based analysis ( - no long tail issue, lack of cultural context
  • Hybrid approach works best: use rich linked data
  • Example recommendations:
  • artists a friend is interested in
  • content based query using
  • mixed query
  • event + geolocation on DbPedia Mobile
  • Music artist recommendations using DBPedia:
  • Future work
  • Find a path from a user (web resource) to the recommendation (web resource) that goes nearby other constraints
  • interests, personal music collction, listening habits, friends etc

Alessandra Toninelli: Towards Socially Aware Mobile Phones

  • Interruption management study on mobile phone
  • Call filtering strategies
  • User policy: e.g. When I am in a meeting, my phone will ring if a friend of mine calls me
  • Use semweb to express this
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