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Created July 30, 2008 16:18
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@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix mo: <> .
@prefix po: <> .
@prefix time: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix timeline: <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix af: <> .
rdfs:label "Description of a programme version of 30/07/2008";
dcterms:created "2008-07-22T01:44:05+01:00"^^<>;
dcterms:modified "2008-07-22T01:44:05+01:00"^^<> .
a po:Version;
po:aspect_ratio "4:3";
po:sound_format "Stereo";
po:duration "12600"^^<>;
po:time [
a timeline:Interval;
timeline:timeline <>
] .
a mo:MusicArtist;
foaf:name "The Wombats" .
a mo:MusicArtist;
foaf:name "\"Weird Al\" Yankovic" .
a mo:MusicArtist;
foaf:name "Coldplay" .
a mo:MusicArtist;
foaf:name "The Saturdays" .
a po:Episode;
rdfs:label "30/07/2008";
po:version <> .
a af:Segment;
event:time _:segment_interval_1;
event:factor [
a mo:Track;
dc:title "Wednesday Accapella";
foaf:maker [
a mo:MusicArtist;
foaf:name "Music 4"
] .
a timeline:Interval;
timeline:before _:segment_interval_2;
timeline:duration 2;
timeline:timeline <> .
a af:Segment;
event:time _:segment_interval_2;
event:factor [
a mo:Track;
dc:title "Kill The Director";
foaf:maker <>
] .
a timeline:Interval;
timeline:after _:segment_interval_1;
timeline:before _:segment_interval_3;
timeline:duration 159;
timeline:timeline <> .
a af:Segment;
event:time _:segment_interval_3;
event:factor [
a mo:Track;
dc:title "Aled's Boyfriends Truck Driving Song";
foaf:maker <>
] .
a timeline:Interval;
timeline:after _:segment_interval_2;
timeline:before _:segment_interval_4;
timeline:duration 146;
timeline:timeline <> .
a af:Segment;
event:time _:segment_interval_4;
event:factor [
a mo:Track;
dc:title "Viva La Vida";
foaf:maker <>
] .
a timeline:Interval;
timeline:after _:segment_interval_3;
timeline:before _:segment_interval_5;
timeline:duration 231;
timeline:timeline <> .
a af:Segment;
event:time _:segment_interval_5;
event:factor [
a mo:Track;
dc:title "If This Is Love";
foaf:maker <>
] .
a timeline:Interval;
timeline:after _:segment_interval_4;
timeline:duration 176;
timeline:timeline <> .
a po:FirstBroadcast;
po:schedule_date "2008-07-30"^^<>;
po:broadcasted_on <>;
po:broadcast_of <> .
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