These are some handy tools to turn a VM into a template, so that creating a new VM is as simple as (full) clone and boot. There are several assumptions made that may not necessarily match with anyone else's environment:
- CentOS 7 minimal install (will probably work on any flavor of EL7)
- DHCP server available
- rootfs (/) is on the last partition of the primary disk, and is a primary partition
- a
user exists on the VM (this is not a hard requirement, nothing bad will happen if it's not true)
Right now, the main things it will do is on the first time a new VM boots it will:
- generate a new hostname (configurable, defaults to using UUIDs)
- grow the rootfs
- Create a new VM (with a very small disk, like <=8GB) and install CentOS 7 minimal
- Customize new install with whatever software/users/ssh keys you will want on every VM by default
- Copy each of the four files to the location specified in the comment at the top:
cp ./vm-{seal,firstrun}.sh /usr/local/sbin/
cp ./vm-firstrun.example-config /etc/sysconfig/vm-firstrun
cp ./vm-firstrun.service /etc/systemd/system/vm-firstrun.service
- Make the two .sh scripts executable:
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/vm-{seal,firstrun}.sh
- Let systemd see the new unit file:
systemctl daemon-reload
- Once all your customizations are done and you're ready to turn it into a template, run:
- The VM should shutdown, then in Proxmox you can just right-click and convert to template
After doing the setup, to create a new VM:
- do a full clone of the template
- grow the size of the disk if needed
- start the VM
If you ever need to make changes to your template:
- follow the above steps to create a new VM from the template
- make your changes on the new VM that will become the new template
- when done making changes, run
- after the new VM stops, convert it to a template and delete the old template
Note that because it touches /.autorelabel
, the first boot can take a few minutes while the SELinux contexts are re-applied or whatever, if SELinux is disabled in your environment this may not matter.
It's very simple,
basically de-configures the parts of the system that should be unique, then removes any log files or anything that shouldn't really be on a newly-installed system. Then it enables vm-firstrun.service
in systemd and does a shutdown. At the next boot, systemd starts the vm-firstrun.service
which just runs
, which generates a new hostname and grows the rootfs. Then it disables the vm-firstrun.service
so that it won't run again next time the VM is rebooted.