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Created July 15, 2012 10:56
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(ns FBRest.registers.flatten_tree
(:require [ :as zip])
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:use [])
(:require [ :as sql])
(:use [FBRest.registers.common :only [add-zeroes]])
(defn get-name-by-ref-id
"Get name from universal reference by reference type and code"
[ref-type ref-id]
(debugs "get-name-by-ref-id" ref-type ref-id)
(sql/with-query-results results
["select mtrft_name
from MetaRefTable
where mtrft_type=? and mtrft_code=?" ref-type ref-id]
(when-first [record results] (:mtrft_name record))
(str "Не найден код " ref-type " " ref-id))))
(defn code-range
"check if code is not null and in range of (range)0000 - (range)9999"
[code range]
(and code
(= (quot code 10000) range)))
(defn get-default-smeta-name
"Get name for smeta row, function is called by default when no other options active"
[{p :P acc :Acc ho :HO hpo :HPO}]
(code-range hpo 92) (get-name-by-ref-id 102 hpo)
(code-range ho 90) (get-name-by-ref-id 90 ho)
(code-range ho 91) (get-name-by-ref-id 91 ho)
:else (str "(default name " p " " acc " " ho " " hpo ")")
(defn check-even-attrs
"check if attrs seq has even count of attributes. Shows warning in log"
[attrs path]
(or (even? (count attrs))
(let [msg (str "ERROR: odd number of attrs " (vec attrs) " Tree path:" path)]
(error msg)
;(throw (Exception. msg))
(defn select-no-keys
"invert of select-keys. Select all keys except for keys from nokeyseq"
[map nokeyseq]
(let [filter-set (set nokeyseq)
keyseq (filter (comp not filter-set) (keys map))]
(select-keys map keyseq)))
(defn flatten-node-v1
"traverse tree and make flat sequence of nodes with paths/parent merged attrs/names etc
node should have [:key value .. [child] [child] [child]] structure
:Name - string or function for getting name for node, by default - get-default-smeta-name
:Flags #{} - set of node options, only :after (position in relation to childs) is supported for now
TODO: add :no-print, :readonly, etc flags"
[parent idx node]
(let [[attrs childs] (split-with (comp not vector?) node)
path (conj (:Path parent) idx)
key-path-preliminary (conj (:KeyPath parent) (vec attrs)) ; for error message
node-attrs (if (check-even-attrs attrs key-path-preliminary) ; check validity
(apply hash-map attrs)
key-attrs (select-no-keys node-attrs [:Name :Flags]) ;all current attrs except :Name and :Flags
key (merge (:Key parent) key-attrs)
key-path (conj (:KeyPath parent) key-attrs) ; for output row
node-name (or (:Name node-attrs) get-default-smeta-name)
node-flags (:Flags node-attrs)
is-after (:after node-flags)
output-row (merge parent node-attrs {:Name node-name :Path path :KeyPath key-path :Key key :CurrAttrs key-attrs})
childs-indexed (map-indexed (partial flatten-node-v1 output-row) childs)]
(if is-after
(concat (apply concat childs-indexed) [output-row])
(concat [output-row] (apply concat childs-indexed)))))
(defn de-duplicate-keys
":Key attribute of node (natural key) should have unique value
This function removed duplicate keys and warns about them"
(let [[key-set-r rows-r]
(reduce (fn [[key-set rows] {row-key :Key :as row}]
(if (key-set row-key)
(warn (str "Duplicate key in row: " row))
[key-set rows])
[(conj key-set row-key) (conj rows row)])) [#{} []] rows)]
(defn flatten-tree
"Convert root tree nodes to flat sequence of nodes, using flatten-node-v1"
(apply concat (map-indexed (partial flatten-node-v1 {:Path [] :KeyPath []}) tree)))))
(defn get-name
"Process :Name attribute of node, returns string value of name"
[{name :Name :as row}]
(if-not name
(warn "no name for " row)
(str row))
(string? name) name
(fn? name) (name row)
(number? name) (str "Name of number-id " name)
(warn (str "unknown name kind: " row))
(str row)))))
(defn get-sort-natural
"Not used. Was used to create natural sorting for rows sequence
which has no sense"
[{p :P acc :Acc ho :HO hpo :HPO}]
(apply str
(interpose "_"
(filter identity
[(add-zeroes p 7 (or acc ho hpo))
(add-zeroes acc 7 (or ho hpo))
(add-zeroes ho 7 hpo)
(add-zeroes hpo 7 nil)])))))
(defn get-sort-path
"Create sorting key for documents rows from :Path attribute
(i.e. - tree order)"
[{path :Path}]
(apply str
(interpose "_"
(map #(add-zeroes % 4 nil) path))))
(defn get-id-dict
"Get unique ID of node from natural key and generated dictionary"
[dict node]
(let [key (:Key node)
found (dict key)]
;(debugs "get-id-dict" node key)
(or found
(warn " id not found: " (str node) )
(defn get-number
"Get :Number attribute of row"
[{p :P acc :Acc ho :HO hpo :HPO}]
(if hpo (str ho " " hpo)
(if ho (str ho)
(if acc acc
;(def smeta-id-dictionary
; (:dict (load-file "smeta-dictionary.clj")))
(defn get-smeta-rows
"Convert sequence of tree nodes to sequence of document rows"
[rows smeta-id-dictionary]
#(merge %1 {:Name (get-name %1)}
{:Number (get-number %1)}
{:Attributes (:CurrAttrs %1)}
{:Sort (get-sort-path %1)}
{:ID (get-id-dict smeta-id-dictionary %1)})
(defn add-id
"Fold step. Adds id to dictionary if not found, and increments max id"
[[dict id] node-key]
(if (dict node-key)
[dict id]
[(conj dict [node-key (inc id)]) (inc id)]))
(defn generate-id-dictionary
"generate new version of id dictionary, with auto-generated IDs
and save them to file, which then should be placed in source code
of current dictionary"
[original-dict filename nodes]
(let [max-id (or (:max-id original-dict) 0)
dict (or (:dict original-dict) {})
node-keys (map :Key nodes)
[new-dict new-id] (reduce add-id [dict max-id] node-keys)
new-file-str (prn-str {:max-id new-id :dict new-dict})
splitted (str/split new-file-str #",")
new-file-str-nl (apply str (interpose (str "," tis/system-newline) splitted))]
(spit (str filename "-new.clj") new-file-str-nl)))
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