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Created September 8, 2016 16:08
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Old corona image sheet format exporter for TexturePackerGUI
-- created with TexturePacker (
-- {{smartUpdateKey}}
-- local sheetInfo = require("mysheet")
-- local myImageSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "mysheet.png", sheetInfo:getSheet() )
-- local sprite = display.newSprite( myImageSheet , {frames={sheetInfo:getFrameIndex("sprite")}} )
local SheetInfo = {}
SheetInfo.sheet =
frames = {
{% for sprite in allSprites %}
-- {{sprite.trimmedName}}
{% if sprite.trimmed %}
sourceX = {{sprite.sourceRect.x}},
sourceY = {{sprite.sourceRect.y}},
sourceWidth = {{sprite.untrimmedSize.width}},
sourceHeight = {{sprite.untrimmedSize.height}}{% endif %}
},{% endfor %}
sheetContentWidth = {{texture.size.width}},
sheetContentHeight = {{texture.size.height}}
SheetInfo.frameIndex =
{% for sprite in allSprites %}
["{{sprite.trimmedName}}.png"] = {{ forloop.counter }},{% endfor %}
function SheetInfo:getOptions()
return self.sheet;
function SheetInfo:getFrameIndexByName(name)
return self.frameIndex[name];
return SheetInfo
<exporter version="1.0">
<!-- identifier of the exporter -->
<!-- display name of the exporter for the combo box -->
<displayName>Corona(TM) SDK (old format image sheet)</displayName>
<!-- description of the exporter -->
<description>Exporter for Corona(TM) SDK using old image sheet format.</description>
<!-- exporter version -->
<!-- currently only one file allowed - more to come with update -->
<!-- name of this file variable -->
<!-- human readable name (for GUI) -->
<displayName>Corona(TM) SDK lua file</displayName>
<!-- file extension for the file -->
<!-- description what the file contains, used in tooltips in the GUI -->
<description>Lua file for Corona(TM) SDK</description>
<!-- name of the template file -->
<!-- target framework supports trimming -->
<!-- target framework supports rotated sprites -->
<!-- rotated sprites direction (cw/ccw) -->
<!-- supports npot sizes -->
<!-- supports file name stripping (remove .png etc) -->
<!-- supports texure subpath -->
<!-- vector from center of untrimmed image to center of trimmed image must have integer coordinates -->
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