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Last active May 18, 2017 10:47
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Attempt at actor model in typescript.
import { match } from 'afpl/lib/control/Match';
import { Suspend, Return, liftF } from 'afpl/lib/monad/Free';
import { Maybe, fromAny } from 'afpl/lib/monad/Maybe';
import { IO, safeIO, wrapIO } from 'afpl/lib/monad/IO';
import { Free } from 'afpl/lib/monad/Free';
import { Functor } from 'afpl/lib/data/Functor';
import { identity, compose } from 'afpl/lib/util';
import { SharedBuffer } from 'afpl/lib/async/SharedBuffer';
* DuplicateActorPathError
export function DuplicateActorPathError(path) {
this.message = `The path '${path}' is already in use!`;
this.path = path;
this.stack = (new Error(this.message)).stack; =;
if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace'))
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
DuplicateActorPathError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
DuplicateActorPathError.prototype.constructor = DuplicateActorPathError;
export class DroppedMessage {
message: string;
to: string;
from: string;
constructor(message, to, from) {
this.message = message; = to;
this.from = from;
export class StoredMessage<M> {
constructor(public path: string, public message: M) { }
export interface Behaviour { <M, A>(m: M): Instruction<A> }
export interface FinalBehaviour { <M>(m: M): void }
/* actors */
* Template
export class Template {
public id: string,
public start: Behaviour = noop) { }
* LocalTConfig is the config info a LocalT template expects.
export interface LocalTConfig { id: string; start?: Behaviour }
* LocalT is a template for creating a local actor
* @property {string} id
* @property {function} start
export class LocalT extends Template {
constructor({ id, start }: LocalTConfig) {
super(id, start);
* Actor
export class Actor {
public id: string,
public path: string,
public behaviour: Behaviour,
public mailbox = new SharedBuffer<any>()) { }
* ActorL
export class ActorL extends Actor { }
* ActorWT
export class ActorWT<N> extends Actor {
public askee: string,
public actor: Actor,
public next: Getter<N>) {
super('wt', askee, noop);
* ActorDOA
export class ActorDOA extends Actor { }
/* system */
export interface SystemConfig { start: Behaviour; log?: Logger }
export interface Logger { <A>(m: A): IO<void> };
export interface TypedMap<T> { [key: string]: T; }
* Signal
export class Signal { }
* Started is sent to an actor to signal it has been started.
export class Started extends Signal { }
* System acts as the root actor for any process.
* All actors are stored here except for ones that are children in seperate
* process. In those cases, communication is passed through the local parent
* reference.
export class System extends Actor {
actors: TypedMap<Actor>;
log: Logger;
constructor({ start, log = m => safeIO(() => console.log(m)) }: SystemConfig) {
super('', '', start);
this.actors = { '?': new ActorDOA('?', '?', noop) };
this.log = log;
* start the system
start(): IO<System> {
return evalAxiomChain(this.behaviour(new Started()), this, this);
* system create a new actor system filling in the defaults if not provided.
* @summary SystemConf → System
export const system = (config: SystemConfig) => new System(config);
/* Axioms */
export interface Getter<B> {
(a: any): B;
* Axiom represents a member of the userland DSL.
* Typically corresponds to one of the actor model axioms.
* @abstract
export class Axiom<N> implements Functor<N> {
constructor(public next?: N | Getter<N>) { }
* map
map<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B): Axiom<B> {
return match(this)
.caseOf(Receive, identity)
.caseOf(Raise, identity)
.caseOf(Spawn, ({ template, next }) => new Spawn(template, f(next)))
.caseOf(Task, ({ to, forkable, next }) => new Task(forkable, to, f(next)))
.caseOf(Tell, ({ to, message, next }) => new Tell(to, message, f(next)))
.caseOf(Ask, ({ askee, message, next }) => new Ask(askee, message, compose(f, next)))
.caseOf(Effect, ({ runnable, next }) => new Effect(runnable, compose(f, next)))
.caseOf(Stream, ({ to, source, next }) => new Stream(to, source, f(next)))
.caseOf(CPS, identity)
.caseOf(Noop, identity)
* Spawn
export class Spawn<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public template: Template, public next?: N) {
* Task
export class Task<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public forkable: Future, public to: string, public next?: N) {
* Tell
export class Tell<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public to: string, public message: string, public next?: N) {
* Ask
export class Ask<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public askee: string, public message: string, public next: Getter<N> = identity) {
* Effect
export class Effect<R, N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public runnable: IO<R>, public next: Getter<N> = identity) {
export interface StreamFunction<P> {
(f: (p: P) => System): void;
* Stream
export class Stream<P, N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public to: string, public source: StreamFunction<P>, public next?: N) {
* Receive
export class Receive<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public behaviour: Behaviour) {
export interface CPSFunction {
<A>(f: (i: Instruction<A>) => void): void;
export class CPS<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public cont: CPSFunction) {
* Raise
export class Raise<N> extends Axiom<N> {
constructor(public error: Error) { super(); }
* Noop
export class Noop<N> extends Axiom<N> { }
export type Instruction<A> = Free<Axiom<any>, A>;
* runAxiomChain
export const runAxiomChain = <A>(i: Instruction<A>, a: Actor, s: System): System =>
evalAxiomChain(i, a, s).run();
* evalAxiomChain translates a chain of axioms into the actual
* work to be done by the system.
export const evalAxiomChain = <A>(ch: Instruction<A>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> =>
.caseOf(Suspend, ({ f }) => match(f)
.caseOf(Spawn, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalSpawn(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Task, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalTask(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Tell, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalTell(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Ask, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalAsk(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Effect, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalEffect(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Stream, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalStream(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Receive, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalReceive(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(CPS, f => s.log(f).chain(() => evalCPS(f, a, s)))
.caseOf(Raise, ({ error }) => { throw error; })
.caseOf(Noop, f => s.log(f).chain(() => wrapIO(s)))
.caseOf(Return, () => wrapIO(s))
* evalSpawn
export const evalSpawn = <A>({ template, next }: Spawn<Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> => {
let p = makeChildPath(, a.path);
return getActorMaybe(p, s)
.chain(mb => => evalAxiomChain(raiseDup(p), a, s))
.orJust(() =>
allocateActor(p, template, s)
.chain(() => evalAxiomChain(next, a, s)))
* evalTask
export const evalTask = <A>({ to, forkable, next }: Task<Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> =>
safeIO(() => {
e => evalAxiomChain(raise(e), a, s).run(),
m => evalAxiomChain(tell(to, m), a, s).run())
return s;
}).chain(() => evalAxiomChain(next, a, s))
* evalTell
export const evalTell = <A>(op: Tell<Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> => {
let { to, message, next } = op;
return pathToActor(to, a, s)
.chain(t => feedActor(message, t, a, s))
.chain(() => evalAxiomChain(next, a, s));
* evalAsk
export const evalAsk = <A>(op: Ask<Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> => {
let { askee, message, next } = op;
return putActor(a.path, new ActorWT(askee, a, next), s)
.chain(s => pathToActor(askee, a, s))
.chain(t => feedActor(message, t, a, s))
.map(() => s);
* evalEffect
export const evalEffect = <R, A>(eff: Effect<R, Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> => {
let { runnable, next } = eff;
return runnable.chain(r => evalAxiomChain(next(r), a, s));
* evalStream
export const evalStream = <A, P>({ source, to, next }: Stream<P, Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> =>
safeIO(() => source(p => runAxiomChain(tell(to, p), a, s)))
.chain(() => evalAxiomChain(next, a, s));
* evalReceive
export const evalReceive = <A>({ behaviour }: Receive<Instruction<A>>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> =>
takeMessage(a).chain(mb => consumeOrStore(mb, behaviour, a, s));
* evalCPS
export const evalCPS = <A>({ cont }: CPS<A>, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> =>
safeIO(() => cont(chain => runAxiomChain(chain, a, s))).map(() => s)
* raiseDup
export const raiseDup = (p: string) => raise(new DuplicateActorPathError(p));
* makeChildPath creates a child path given an actor and a child id
export const makeChildPath = (id: string, parent: string): string =>
((parent === '/') || (parent === '')) ? `${parent}${id}` : `${parent}/${id}`;
* allocateActor creates and puts an actor into the system.
export const allocateActor = (p: string, t: Template, s: System): IO<System> =>
createActor(p, t, s).chain(c => putActor(p, c, s).chain(s => evalNewActor(c, s)));
* createActor
export const createActor = (path: string, t: Template, _s: System): IO<Actor> => match(t)
.caseOf(LocalT, t => wrapIO(new ActorL(, path, t.start)))
* evalNewActor evals the instructions of a freshly spawned actor.
export const evalNewActor = (c: Actor, s: System) =>
takeBehaviour(c).chain(mb => => evalAxiomChain(b(new Started()), c, s))
.orJust(() => wrapIO(s))
* putActor into the System
export const putActor = (path: string, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> =>
safeIO(() => { s.actors[path] = a; return s; });
* pathToActor resolves an actor address from the system.
* If the actor is not found the '?' actor is returned.
* @param {string} p The path of the actor
* @param {Actor} a The actor making the query
* @param {System} s The System.
export const pathToActor = (p: string, a: Actor, s: System): IO<Actor> =>
p === '.' ?
wrapIO(a) : getActorMaybe(p, s)
.map(mb => mb.orJust(() => s.actors['?']).get());
* getActorMaybe is like getActor but wraps the actor in a Maybe.
* @param p The path of the actor
* @param s The System.
export const getActorMaybe = (p: string, s: System): IO<Maybe<Actor>> =>
getActor(p, s).map(fromAny);
* getActor retrieves an actor from the system.
* @param p The path to the actor.
* @param s The System.
export const getActor = (p: string, s: System): IO<Actor> => safeIO(() => s.actors[p])
* feedActor feeds a message into an actor.
* The message may be processed immediately or stored for later.
export const feedActor = <A>(m: A, to: Actor, a: Actor, s: System): IO<Actor> => match(to)
.caseOf(ActorDOA, to => feedActorDOA(m, to, a, s))
.caseOf(ActorL, to => feedActorL(m, to, a, s))
.caseOf(ActorWT, to => feedActorWT(m, to, a, s))
* feedActorDOA handles bounced messages
* @param {DroppedMessage} m
* @param {ActorDOA} a
export const feedActorDOA = <A>(m: A, to: Actor, a: ActorDOA, s: System): IO<Actor> =>
s.log(new DroppedMessage(m, to, a.path)).mapIn(a);
* feedActorL
export const feedActorL = <A>(m: A, a: ActorL, _from: Actor, s: System): IO<any> =>
.caseOf(Function, b => delayIO(() => evalAxiomChain(b(m), a, s)))
.orElse(() => storeAuditedMessage(m, a, s))
* feedActorWT
export const feedActorWT = <A>(m: A, a: ActorWT<any>, from: Actor, s: System): IO<any> => {
let { askee, actor, next } = a;
return (askee === from.path) ?
putActor(actor.path, actor, s)
.chain(s => delayIO(() => evalAxiomChain(next(m), actor, s))) :
storeAuditedMessage(m, actor, s);
* takeMessage takes the next message out of an actor's mailbox.
export const takeMessage = <A>(a: Actor): IO<Maybe<A>> => a.mailbox.maybeTake();
* storeAuditedMessage audits the message then stores it
* @param {*} m The message
* @param {Actor} a
* @param {System} s
export const storeAuditedMessage = <M>(m: M, a: Actor, s: System) =>
s.log(new StoredMessage(a.path, m)).chain(() => storeMessage(m, a));
* storeMessage sends a message to an actor's mailbox
export const storeMessage = <M>(m: M, a: Actor): IO<null> => match(a)
.caseOf(ActorL, a => a.mailbox.put(m))
* takeBehaviour gets the next behaviour of an actor.
* The behaviour is removed from the actor to prevent duplicate processing.
export const takeBehaviour = (a: Actor): IO<Maybe<Behaviour>> =>
safeIO(() => { let b = a.behaviour; a.behaviour = null; return fromAny(b); })
export const consumeOrStore = <A>(mb: Maybe<A>, b: Behaviour, a: Actor, s: System): IO<System> => => feedActor(m, a, a, s)).orJust(() => putBehaviour(b, a).chainIn(s)).get()
* putBehaviour changes the behaviour of an Actor.
* @param {Behaviour} b
* @param {Actor} a
export const putBehaviour = (b: Behaviour, a: Actor): IO<Actor> =>
safeIO(() => { a.behaviour = b; return a; })
* delayIO delays the execution of an IO function
export const delayIO = <A>(f: () => IO<A>, n = 100): IO<void> =>
safeIO(() => void setTimeout(() => f().run(), n));
* spawn a new child actor
export const spawn = (template: Template): Instruction<any> => liftF(new Spawn(template));
* tell another actor a message
export const tell = (to: string, message: any): Instruction<any> =>
liftF(new Tell(to, message));
export const ask = (askee: string, message: any): Instruction<any> =>
liftF(new Ask(askee, message));
* task allows an asynchronous operation to be performed, placing its result in
* an actor's mailbox.
export const task = (f: Future, to: string = '.'): Instruction<any> =>
liftF(new Task(f, to));
* effect allows a side-effectfull computation to occur.
export const effect = <R>(f: () => R): Instruction<any> => liftF(new Effect(safeIO(f)));
* run an IO operation safely
export const run = <R>(io: IO<R>) => liftF(new Effect(io));
* stream input into an actor's mailbox
export const stream = <P>(source: StreamFunction<P>, to: string = '.'): Instruction<any> =>
liftF(new Stream(to, source));
* receive the next message with the passed behaviour
export const receive = (behaviour: Behaviour): Instruction<any> => liftF(new Receive(behaviour));
* cps is helpfull when interacting with typical node callback based apis
* The evaluation of the instructions the actor wants executed is delayed
* until the passed callback is invoked.
export const cps = (f: CPSFunction): Instruction<any> => liftF(new CPS(f));
* finalReceive receives the next message and effectively puts the actor into
* an idle state.
export const finalReceive = <M>(b: (m: M) => void): Instruction<any> =>
liftF(new Receive(m => b(m) || noop()));
* raise an error within the system.
* This function gives the supervisor (if any) a chance to
* intercept and react to the error. It also terminates
* the current chain of instructions.
export const raise = (error: Error): Instruction<any> => liftF(new Raise(error));
* noop means do nothing, effectively putting the Actor in an idle mode forever.
export const noop = (): Instruction<any> => liftF(new Noop());
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