- https://github.com/creationix/nvm
- Follow 'Install script' OR 'Manual install' procedures.
nvm install 4
- https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows
- Follow 'Installation & Upgrades'
- When you follow the 'Download the latest installer from the releases.' link, choose the 'nvm-setup.zip'
- Follow the remainder of the installation & upgrade procedures.
nvm install v4.0.0
- If you have problems, try the command
nvm on
and then retry tonvm install v4.0.0
- If you have problems, try the command
- http://nodeschool.io/#workshopper-list
- How does this work - http://i.imgur.com/Rg0atGX.jpg
- Follow the NodeSchool Workshopper's instructions. When you run into speedbumps:
a. Work with your partner.
b. Ask questions of your fellow Learners.
c. Ask questions in the NodeSchool gitter - https://gitter.im/nodeschool/discussions?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge
If you like working through NodeSchool Workshoppers [1], CodeWars Katas [2], Project Euler challenges [3], games for learning JS [4], the original CodeKatas [5], side projects (your own or other Learners' projects), and concepts or code that you're hung-up on, with other people, please join us at our monthly JavaScript Study Group! http://www.meetup.com/SLC-JS-Learners/events/224336069/
And remember, many programmers –especially novice programmers– experience two distinct states - http://i.imgur.com/dzbQCj4.png (This is normal!!!)
[1] http://nodeschool.io/#workshopper-list [2] http://www.codewars.com/kata/search/javascript?q=&beta=false&order_by=rank_id+asc [3] https://projecteuler.net/ [4] http://play.elevatorsaga.com/ , https://github.com/olistic/warriorjs , http://alexnisnevich.github.io/untrusted/ [5] http://codekata.com/