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Created December 8, 2010 02:08
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Lab: Create a Web Server cookbook

Chef Fundamentals Labs

Lab 4 Create a Web Server cookbook

Exercise 1 - Create a new cookbook called webserver and launch new web servers on EC2

a. Create a new cookbook called webserver

Use knife cookbook --help to figure out how to create new cookbook. Also refer to the student guide for examples

b. Update the metadata.rb

Make sure you add a dependency (depends) for the apache2 cookbook. See for details

c. Update the the default.rb recipe in the ../cookbooks/webserver/recipes directory

# Cookbook Name:: webserver
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2010, Opscode, Inc..
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute

include_recipe "apache2"

template "/var/www/index.html" do
  source "index.html.erb"
  owner "root"
  group "root"
  mode "0644"

This simple recipe will install apache and create a default page that will updated in the template in the next step.

d. Create the default web page Template file

                <title>Welcome to <%= node[:hostname]%></title>
                Chef have reached:
                        <li><b>FQDN</b>: <%= node[:fqdn] %></li>
                        <li><b>Public FQDN</b>: <%= node[:ec2][:public_hostname]%></li>
                        <li><b>IP Address</b>: <%= node[:ipaddress] %></li>
                        <li><b>Public IP</b>: <%= node[:ec2][:public_ipv4] %></li>
                        <li><b>Platform</b>: <%= node[:platform] %></li>
                        <li><b>Plaform Version</b>: <%= node[:platform_version] %></li>
                        <li><b>Run List</b>: <%= node.run_list %></li>

The name of the erb file should match the name of the template source name specified in the recipe. Create the file in ../templates/default directory.

e. Upload the new Webserver cookbook

knife cookbook ...

f. Run the new Webserver cookbook on your node

  1. add it to the runlist of your node and run chef-client

    knife node ... sudo chef-client

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