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Inada Naoki methane

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use strict;
use warnings;
my $count = 0;
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
print $line;
methane / gist:2185380
Created March 24, 2012 17:28
Tornado Example: Delegating an blocking task to a worker thread pool from an asynchronous request handler
from time import sleep
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, asynchronous, RequestHandler
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
_workers = ThreadPool(10)
def run_background(func, callback, args=(), kwds={}):
def _callback(result):
def solve(rest, boards, counts):
if boards == []:
return rest == 0
board = boards[-1]
count = rest / board
rest = rest % board
while count >= 0:
if solve(rest, boards[0:-1], counts):