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Created January 1, 2019 09:14
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import requests
import itertools
import sys,re
from PIL import Image
import zbarlight
colors = "LRUDFB"
def loadImage(filename):
img =
width, height = img.size
img = img.convert("RGB")
pixel = img.load()
return width, height, pixel
def cat(t1,t2,t3,i1,i2,i3):
toImage ='RGB',(246,246))
for i in range(4):
img, idx = t1[i], i1[i]
img = img.rotate(90*idx)
if idx==0:
toImage.paste(img, (0, 0))
if idx==1:
toImage.paste(img, (0, 164))
if idx==2:
toImage.paste(img, (164, 164))
if idx==3:
toImage.paste(img, (164, 0))
for i in range(4):
img, idx = t2[i], i2[i]
img = img.rotate(90*idx)
if idx==0:
toImage.paste(img, (0, 82))
if idx==1:
toImage.paste(img, (82, 164))
if idx==2:
toImage.paste(img, (164, 82))
if idx==3:
toImage.paste(img, (82, 0))
img, idx = t3[0], i3[0]
img = img.rotate(90*idx)
toImage.paste(img, (82, 82))
return toImage
def qrcode(image):
codes = zbarlight.scan_codes('qrcode', image)
return codes
def pick(image,x,y):
if (x,y)==(0,0):
return image.crop((0,0,82,82))
if (x,y)==(0,2):
return image.rotate(90).crop((0,0,82,82))
if (x,y)==(2,2):
return image.rotate(180).crop((0,0,82,82))
if (x,y)==(2,0):
return image.rotate(270).crop((0,0,82,82))
if (x,y)==(0,1):
return image.rotate(0).crop((0,82,82,164))
if (x,y)==(1,2):
return image.rotate(90).crop((0,82,82,164))
if (x,y)==(2,1):
return image.rotate(180).crop((0,82,82,164))
if (x,y)==(1,0):
return image.rotate(270).crop((0,82,82,164))
return image.crop((x*82,y*82,x*82+82,y*82+82))
def work(c,t1,t2,t3):
t = 0
for i in list(itertools.permutations([0,1,2,3],4)):
for j in list(itertools.permutations([0,1,2,3],4)):
for k in range(4):
image = cat(t1,t2,t3,list(i),list(j),[k])
t = t + 1
s = qrcode(image)
if s != None:"%s_new.png"%c)
return bytes.decode(s[0])
def main():
# init
imgs = {}
for c in colors:
imgs[c] ="%s.png" % c)
# split
for c in colors:
pixel = imgs[c].convert("RGB").load()
for i in range(83,164):
if pixel[i,83]!=(0,0,0):
demo = pixel[i,83]
t1 = []
t2 = []
for cc in colors:
for x in range(3):
for y in range(3):
if (x,y)==(1,1):
image = pick(imgs[cc],x,y)
if image.convert("RGB").load()[1,1] == demo:
# print(cc,x,y)
if (x+y)%2 == 0:
t3 = [pick(imgs[c],1,1)]
s = work(c,t1,t2,t3)
if s[0]=='h':
token = s.split("?")[-1]
return token
def down(token):
for c in colors:
image = ''+token+'_'+c+'.png'
ir = requests.get(image)
open('%s.png' % c, 'wb').write(ir.content)
print("download %s" % image)
def run(token):
nxt = main()
return nxt
token = '01000000000000000000'
while True:
token = run(token)
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