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Created February 1, 2017 21:32
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from mxnet import nd, io
class RBM(object):
"""Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) implementation using MXNET
def __init__(self, weights=None, hidden_bias=None, visible_bias=None,):
assert isinstance(weights, nd.NDArray)
if visible_bias is not None:
assert visible_bias.shape == (1, weights.shape[0])
if hidden_bias is not None:
assert hidden_bias.shape == (1, weights.shape[1])
self.weights = weights
self.visible_bias = visible_bias
self.hidden_bias = hidden_bias
def fit(self, train_set, batch_size=10, num_epochs=10, gibbs_sampling_steps=1,
""" Fit the model to the training data.
:param train_set: training set
assert isinstance(train_set, nd.NDArray)
assert len(train_set.shape) == 2
assert train_set.shape[1] == self.weights.shape[0]
train_set = train_set.reshape((train_set.shape[0], 1, train_set.shape[1]))
for _ in range(num_epochs):
""" For each epoch shuffle the training set.
Iteratively do batch training.
for batch in io.NDArrayIter(data=train_set, shuffle=True,
self._train_batch([0], gibbs_sampling_steps, learning_rate)
def _train_batch(self, batch, gibbs_sampling_steps, learning_rate):
"""Performs k-step Contrastive Divergence (CD-k) learning.
Updates weights and biases.
Keep in mind that most variables are "batch" tensors.
Variable name suffix "_pr" stands for Pr. (probability).
hidden_pr, hidden, dreamed_visible, dreamed_hidden_pr = self.gibbs_sampling_step(batch)
positive_phase = nd.batch_dot(self._transpose_batch(batch), hidden)
for _ in range(gibbs_sampling_steps - 1):
_, _, dreamed_visible, dreamed_hidden_pr = self.gibbs_sampling_step(dreamed_visible)
negative_phase = nd.batch_dot(self._transpose_batch(dreamed_visible), dreamed_hidden_pr)
# make learning rate independent from the batch size
learning_rate = learning_rate / batch.shape[0]
self.weights += learning_rate * nd.sum(positive_phase - negative_phase, axis=(0,))
if self.hidden_bias is not None:
self.hidden_bias += learning_rate * nd.sum(hidden_pr - dreamed_hidden_pr, axis=(0,))
if self.visible_bias is not None:
self.visible_bias += learning_rate * nd.sum(batch - dreamed_visible, axis=(0,))
def _transpose_batch(vectors_batch):
""" Transposes a batch of rows to a batch of columns and v/v without copying.
:param vectors_batch: batch of columns or vectors.
:return: a reshaped batch that shares memory with the original one.
shape = vectors_batch.shape
assert 1 in shape[1:]
return vectors_batch.reshape((shape[0], shape[2], shape[1]))
def gibbs_sampling_step(self, visible):
""" Performs one step of Gibbs sampling.
:param visible: activations of the visible units
:return: tuple(hidden state probability, hidden state, visible state probability,
dreamed hidden state probability, dreamed hidden state)
hidden_pr, hidden = self._sample_hidden_from_visible(visible)
dreamed_visible = self._sample_visible_from_hidden(hidden_pr)
dreamed_hidden_pr, _ = self._sample_hidden_from_visible(dreamed_visible)
return hidden_pr, hidden, dreamed_visible, dreamed_hidden_pr
def _sample_hidden_from_visible(self, visible):
""" Sample the hidden units from the visible units.
This is the Positive phase of the 1-step Contrastive Divergence algorithm.
:param visible: activations of the visible units
:return: tuple(hidden state probability, hidden state)
batch_size = visible.shape[0]
activations = nd.batch_dot(visible, self._broadcast_to_batch(self.weights, batch_size))
if self.hidden_bias is not None:
activations += self._broadcast_to_batch(self.hidden_bias, batch_size)
hidden_pr = nd.Activation(activations, act_type="sigmoid")
hidden = self._sample_bernoulli(hidden_pr)
return hidden_pr, hidden
def _sample_visible_from_hidden(self, hidden):
""" Sample the visible units from the hidden units.
This is the Negative phase of the 1-step Contrastive Divergence algorithm.
:param hidden: activations of the hidden units
:return: dreamed visible state probability
batch_size = hidden.shape[0]
activations = self._transpose_batch(nd.batch_dot(
self._broadcast_to_batch(self.weights, batch_size),
if self.visible_bias is not None:
activations += self._broadcast_to_batch(self.visible_bias, batch_size)
dreamed_visible = nd.Activation(activations, act_type="sigmoid")
return dreamed_visible
def _sample_bernoulli(probability):
return nd.greater(probability, nd.uniform(shape=probability.shape))
# return nd.sign(1 + nd.sign(probability - nd.uniform(shape=probability.shape)))
def _broadcast_to_batch(matrix, batch_size):
return matrix.broadcast_to(shape=(batch_size, ) + matrix.shape)
def predict(self, batch):
assert isinstance(batch, nd.NDArray)
assert batch.shape[1:] == (1, self.weights.shape[0])
_, _, dreamed_visible, _ = self.gibbs_sampling_step(batch)
return dreamed_visible
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