For the challenge of freeCodeCamp's "Build a Random Quote Machine", and for fun of playing with something cool.
- got the API from Random Famous Quotes, which was served on Mashape marketplace, and needs to register before using it.
- was tended to use jQuery.getJSON method, but somehow couldn't cross the "MIME" and "CORS" errors when working at CodePen.
- was tended to find a Chinese poem API but didn't get one.
- choose a pure link solution to make the tweet button, by using Javascript to rebuild the button after a new quote was present.
- followed Twitter Publish to load it's widgets.js and make the "official" tweet button, but found it no good when meet the AdBlock users. Also, custom a tweet button is not allowed, so I away from this road.
- was open a new specific window after the click of this button by using "" method, but found it does not perform the same way across browsers, so I away from this road and simply just use the "_blank".
- was tended to make Facebook Feed Dialog, but couldn't find a way to put the quote into it's content, so here's no Facebook. Instead, I made a "mail" button to be a company.
- tried to gain the advantage of it's RWD and easy-to-layout framework.
- was familiar of v3.3.7, but being attracted for the new Outline Buttons, Flexbox, Fixed Position
- made the .card in the center of the screen by using .d-flex property, but still, need to set <html>'s and <body>'s height to 100% in CSS manually.
- love it's icons and spinning feature!
- cause of a faster spinning requirement, I override .fa-spin-faster in the CSS.
- just for a whim, pick up a web font "Love Ya Like A Sister" for decorating, and the result which is surprisingly good.
- As a man who speaking Chinese, I stubbornly import another web font "明體", which is useless and superfluous.
- really like to use Trianglify( everywhere!
- I tweak a bit by trigger it when the window is being resized.
- export this CodePen to my GitHub Gist for another way of code demonstration.
- wrote a inside the Gist (it's a trick to stick the infomation on the top when browsing this gist), and play with Markdown-Writing a little.
- frame the Gist inside the modal, another way of memorizing this challenge.