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Last active February 19, 2023 20:48
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Save mezotv/ccd892a7500334f54c68df31929c2e8e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const {EmbedBuilder} = require('discord.js');
const mom = require("moment-timezone");
const {ChalkAdvanced} = require("chalk-advanced");
const CronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
module.exports = class DailyMessage {
constructor(c) {
this.c = c;
* Start the daily message Schedule
start() {
var job = new CronJob('0 */60 * * * *', async () => {
await this.runSchedule();
* Run the daily message schedule
* @return {Promise<void>}
async runSchedule() {
let test = 0;
let guilds = await this.c.database.getAll();
guilds = guilds.filter(g => this.c.guilds.cache.has(g.guildID) && g.dailyMsg);
`${ChalkAdvanced.white('Daily Message')} ${ChalkAdvanced.gray(
)} ${'Running daily message check for ' + guilds.length + ' guilds')}`,
let i = 0;
for (const db of guilds) {
setTimeout(async () => {
if (!db.dailyMsg) return;
if ("HH:mm") === "12:00") {
const channel = await this.c.channels.fetch(db.dailyChannel).catch(err => { console.log(err)
if (!channel?.id) return; // Always directly return before do to many actions
const {Useless_Powers, Useful_Powers} = await require(`../data/power-${db.language}.json`);
const {WouldYou, Rather} = await require(`../languages/${db.language}.json`);
if (db.dailyRather) {
let power;
let power2;
if (db.customTypes === "regular") {
let array = [];
array.push(Useful_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useful_Powers.length)]);
array.push(Useless_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useless_Powers.length)]);
power = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
power2 = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
array = [];
} else if (db.customTypes === "mixed") {
let array = [];
if (db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw") != 0) {
array.push(db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw")[Math.floor(Math.random() * db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw").length)].msg);
} else {
power = Useful_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useful_Powers.length)];
array.push(Useful_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useful_Powers.length)]);
array.push(Useless_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useless_Powers.length)]);
power = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
power2 = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
array = [];
} else if (db.customTypes === "custom") {
if (db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw") === 0) {
return this.c.webhookHandler.sendWebhook(
content: 'There\'s currently no custom Would You messages to be displayed for daily messages! Either make new ones or turn off daily messages.'
power = db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw")[Math.floor(Math.random() * db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw").length)].msg;
power2 = db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw")[Math.floor(Math.random() * db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw").length)].msg;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
text: `${Rather.embed.footer}`,
iconURL: this.c.user.avatarURL(),
name: Rather.embed.usefulname,
value: `> 1️⃣ ${power}`,
inline: false,
name: Rather.embed.usefulname2,
value: `> 2️⃣ ${power2}`,
inline: false,
return this.c.webhookHandler.sendWebhook(
embeds: [embed],
content: db.dailyRole ? `<@&${db.dailyRole}>` : null
let power;
if (db.customTypes === "regular") {
let array = [];
array.push(Useful_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useful_Powers.length)]);
array.push(Useless_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useless_Powers.length)]);
power = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
array = [];
} else if (db.customTypes === "mixed") {
let array = [];
if (db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw") != 0) {
array.push(db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw")[Math.floor(Math.random() * db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw").length)].msg);
} else {
power = Useful_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useful_Powers.length)];
array.push(Useful_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useful_Powers.length)]);
array.push(Useless_Powers[Math.floor(Math.random() * Useless_Powers.length)]);
power = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
array = [];
} else if (db.customTypes === "custom") {
if (db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw") === 0) {
content: 'There\'s currently no custom Would You messages to be displayed for daily messages! Either make new ones or turn off daily messages.'
power = db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw")[Math.floor(Math.random() * db.customMessages.filter(c => c.type !== "nsfw").length)].msg;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
text: `${WouldYou.embed.footer}`,
iconURL: this.c.user.avatarURL(),
name: WouldYou.embed.Usefulname,
value: `> ${power}`,
inline: false,
return this.c.webhookHandler.sendWebhook(
embeds: [embed],
content: db.dailyRole ? `<@&${db.dailyRole}>` : null
}, i * 2500) // We do a little timeout here to work against discord ratelimit with 50reqs/second
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