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Last active March 4, 2016 18:07
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Creates Julia set using smaller sections
# copied from a ipython notebook
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import time
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
def julia(c, extent, pixels):
t, l, b, r = extent
ny, nx = pixels
ys, xs = np.ogrid[t:b:ny*1j, l:r:nx*1j]
im = ys * 1j + xs
counts = np.zeros(pixels)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
while True:
im = im * im + c
still_alive = [abs(im) < 2]
counts[still_alive] += 1
if not np.any(still_alive):
return counts
# do we speed up using many smaller sections?
def do_section(args):
c, yargs, xargs = args
ystart, yend, nystart, nyend = yargs
xstart, xend, nxstart, nxend = xargs
sub_im = julia(c, (ystart, xstart, yend, xend), (nyend-nystart, nxend-nxstart))
#print(iy, iye, ix, ixe)
return sub_im, nystart, nxstart
def julia_sections(c, extent, pixels, section_shape, _map=map):
out = np.zeros(pixels)
t, l, b, r = extent
ny, nx = pixels
sy, sx = section_shape
# lets create the xs,ys ogrid and use that to map pixels to starting pos
def get_args(start, end, n, sample):
# return a list of (start, end, nstart, nend)
ret = []
sp = np.linspace(start, end, n)
for istart in range(0, n, sample):
iend = min(istart + sample, len(sp))
sub_start, sub_end = sp[istart], sp[iend-1]
ret.append((sub_start, sub_end, istart, iend))
return ret
y_args = get_args(t, b, ny, sy)
x_args = get_args(l, r, nx, sx)
sections = _map(do_section, [(c, ya, xa) for ya in y_args for xa in x_args])
for subim, ny, nx in sections:
out[ny:ny+subim.shape[0], nx:nx+subim.shape[1]] = subim
return out
N = 1000
t = time.time()
j = julia(-0.835 - 0.2321j, (-1, -2, 1, 2), (N, 2*N))
t = time.time() - t
print("Single section took %s s" % t)
t = time.time()
j = julia_sections(-0.835 - 0.2321j, (-1, -2, 1, 2), (N, 2*N), (100,100))
t = time.time() - t
print("100x100 sections took %s s" % t)
# with multiprocessing takes ~28s for a 10kx20k image. Not too shabby.
N = 10000
import multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool() as p:
t = time.time()
j = julia_sections(-0.835 - 0.2321j, (-1, -2, 1, 2), (N, 2*N), (100,100),
t = time.time() - t
print("took %s s" % t)
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