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Michal Fojtik mfojtik

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package dnsprobe
import (
• [SLOW TEST:209.849 seconds]
[sig-storage] CSI mock volume
[SLOW TEST:229.812 seconds]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicyLegacy [LinuxOnly]
NetworkPolicy between server and client
should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]
Using protoc version libprotoc 3.15.5
topological order bytes
topological order encoding/base64
topological order encoding/json
topological order errors
topological order fmt
topological order
topological order
topological order
patchmanager [add-status L|⚑ 1] > ./patchmanager list --config= --approved
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Jobs ci/prow/e2e-aws-disruptive, ci/prow/e2e-aws-upgrade 55 seconds ago
have not succeeded. Retesting: ci/prow/e2e-aws-upgrade ci/prow/e2e-azure-upgrade 5 minutes ago Retesting: ci/prow/e2e-network-migration
package limitedclient
import (
Aug 11 11:38:45.068: INFO: cluster upgrade is Failing: Cluster operator machine-config is still updating
Aug 11 11:38:55.072: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:39:05.069: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:39:15.068: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:39:29.456: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:39:35.073: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:39:45.069: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:39:55.071: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards 84% complete
Aug 11 11:40:05.071: INFO: cluster upgrade is Progressing: Working towards
namespaces/openshift-apiserver/pods/apiserver-795d86cf4c-nglth/openshift-apiserver-check-endpoints/openshift-apiserver-check-endpoints/logs/current.log:2020-08-11T08:44:08.759089948Z I0811 08:44:08.759016 1 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Deployment", │
Namespace:"openshift-apiserver", Name:"apiserver", UID:"521a7207-8487-482a-8389-fed0ad66ce5d", APIVersion:"apps/v1", ResourceVersion:"", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'ConnectivityRestored' Connectivity restored after 1.996478668s: load-balancer-api-external: tc│
p connection to succeeded │
namespaces/openshift-apiserver/pods/apiserver-795d86cf4c-nglth/openshift-apiserver-check-endpoints/openshift-apiserver-check-endpoints/logs/current.log:2020-08-11T08:44:08.759089948Z I0811 08:44:08.759048
namespaces/openshift-sdn/pods/sdn-k555s/sdn/sdn/logs/current.log:2020-08-11T08:44:00.611637195Z I0811 08:44:00.611520 2588 roundrobin.go:267] LoadBalancerRR: Setting endpoints for openshift-console/console:https to [] │
namespaces/openshift-sdn/pods/sdn-k555s/sdn/sdn/logs/current.log:2020-08-11T08:44:00.732121057Z I0811 08:44:00.732079 2588 proxier.go:370] userspace proxy: processing 0 service events │
namespaces/openshift-sdn/pods/sdn-k555s/sdn/sdn/logs/current.log:2020-08-11T08:44:00.733392506Z I0811 08:44:00.733369 2588 proxier.go:349] userspace syncProxyRules took 27.201353ms │
namespaces/openshift-sdn/pods/sdn-k555s/sdn/sdn/logs/current.log:2020-08-11T08:44:14.323266808Z I0811 08:44:14.323201 2588 roundrobin.go:267] LoadBalancerRR: Setting endpoints for default/kubernetes:htt
[0.59] 1837540 [BM IPI] Cluster reports upgrade in progress after restoring to previous state after upgrade
1836270 [BM IPI] etcd containers not started on master after restoring to previous state
[0.53] 1802510 KubeApiErrorsHigh alert is firing sometimes
1748434 KubeAPIErrorsHigh firing on daily base but at random times
[0.66] 1838410 openshift api server operator is not Available
1840112 openshift-apiserver not available in fresh env
[0.53] 1748434 KubeAPIErrorsHigh firing on daily base but at random times
1802510 KubeApiErrorsHigh alert is firing sometimes
[0.98] 1840116 revert "force cert rotation every couple days for development" in 4.6
1806980 revert "force cert rotation every couple days for development" in 4.5
StaticPodsDegraded: nodes/ci-op-szpb1k3d-aa909-q5lfg-master-1 pods/kube-apiserver-ci-op-szpb1k3d-aa909-q5lfg-master-1 container=""kube-apiserver"" is terminated: ""Error"" - ""calhost:2379 0 <nil>}. Err :connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp [::1]:2379: connect: connection refused". Reconnecting...
StaticPodsDegraded: nodes/ci-op-szpb1k3d-aa909-q5lfg-master-1 pods/kube-apiserver-ci-op-szpb1k3d-aa909-q5lfg-master-1 container=""kube-apiserver"" is terminated: ""Error"" - ""calhost:2379 0 <nil>}. Err :connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp [::1]:2379: connect: connection refused". Reconnecting...
12:21:21 (1) "openshift-kube-apiserver" TerminationStart Received signal to terminate, becoming unready, but keeping serving
12:21:21 (1) "openshift-kube-apiserver" TerminationPreShutdownHooksFinished All pre-shutdown hooks have been finished
12:22:31 (1) "openshift-kube-apiserver" TerminationMinimalShutdownDurationFinished The minimal shutdown duration of 1m10s