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Created September 12, 2016 03:25
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Vizio Log
23:07:46 INFO Started playing large-video.m4v on your Vizio Smart TV
23:11:59 ERROR There is no inputstream to return for large-video
23:12:06 WARN Sending kill -14 to the Unix process: 11414
23:12:12 INFO Stopped playing large-video.m4v on your Vizio Smart TV
23:12:25 INFO Started playing large-video.m4v on your Vizio Smart TV
23:16:33 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:16:33 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:33 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:34 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:34 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:34 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:34 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:35 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:35 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:35 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:35 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:36 DEBUG Stopping Unix process 11566: ffmpeg64-6
23:16:36 DEBUG Stopping Unix process 11562: mkfifo-7
23:16:36 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:36 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:36 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:36 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:37 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:37 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:37 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:37 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:38 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:16:38 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:16:38 ERROR There is no inputstream to return for large-video
23:16:46 WARN Sending kill -14 to the Unix process: 11566
23:16:46 DEBUG Successfully sent kill -14 to the Unix process: 11566
23:16:49 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:16:51 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:16:51 INFO Stopped playing large-video.m4v on your Vizio Smart TV
23:16:51 DEBUG The full filename of which is: /public/Videos/Test/large-video.m4v and the address of the renderer is:
23:16:51 DEBUG Resume stop. This segment 266256 new time 780590
23:16:51 DEBUG adding "large-video" to playlist "Recently Played"
23:17:04 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:04 DEBUG Starting transcode/remux of large-video.m4v with media info: container: mp4, bitrate: 2519354, size: 2480751389, video tracks: 1, audio tracks: 2, subtitle tracks: 1, video codec: h264, duration: 02:11:17.00, width: 720, height: 480, frame rate: 23.976, mime type: video/mp4, matrix coefficients: BT.601, file title from metadata: Pacific Rim
Audio track id: 0, lang: en, audio track title from metadata: Stereo, audio codec: AAC, sample frequency:48000, number of channels: 2, bits per sample: 16
Audio track id: 1, lang: en, audio track title from metadata: Surround, audio codec: AC3, sample frequency:48000, number of channels: 6, bits per sample: 16
Subtitle track id: 0, type: VOBSUB, lang: en
23:17:04 DEBUG Starting mkfifo --mode=777 /tmp/UMS-matt/ffmpegvideo_111_1473650224801
23:17:04 DEBUG Unix process ID (mkfifo): 11685
23:17:05 DEBUG Starting /home/matt/dev/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-7.0.0-a1-SNAPSHOT/linux/ffmpeg64 -y -loglevel fatal -i /public/Videos/Test/large-video.m4v -map 0:v -map 0:a:0 -bufsize 15000k -maxrate 14000k -crf 19 -ab 448k -ar 48000 -c:a ac3 -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -level 31 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mpegts /tmp/UMS-matt/ffmpegvideo_111_1473650224801
23:17:05 DEBUG Reading pipe: /tmp/UMS-matt/ffmpegvideo_111_1473650224801
23:17:05 DEBUG Attaching thread: ffmpeg64-8
23:17:05 DEBUG Unix process ID (/home/matt/dev/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-7.0.0-a1-SNAPSHOT/linux/ffmpeg64): 11689
23:17:05 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:05 INFO Started playing large-video.m4v on your Vizio Smart TV
23:17:05 DEBUG The full filename of which is: /public/Videos/Test/large-video.m4v and the address of the renderer is:
23:17:06 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:06 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:06 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:06 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:06 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:06 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:06 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:06 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:06 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:06 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:06 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:06 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:06 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:06 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:06 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:07 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:07 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:07 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:07 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:08 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:08 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:08 DEBUG Stopping Unix process 11689: ffmpeg64-8
23:17:08 DEBUG Stopping Unix process 11685: mkfifo-9
23:17:08 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:08 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:09 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:09 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:09 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:09 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:10 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:10 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:10 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:10 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:11 DEBUG Reassign inputstream:
23:17:11 DEBUG External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms
23:17:11 ERROR There is no inputstream to return for large-video
23:17:20 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:17:23 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:23 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:23 DEBUG Expected soap action in request
23:17:23 DEBUG Expected soap action in request
23:17:46 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:46 DEBUG Starting transcode/remux of large-video.m4v with media info: container: mp4, bitrate: 2519354, size: 2480751389, video tracks: 1, audio tracks: 2, subtitle tracks: 1, video codec: h264, duration: 02:11:17.00, width: 720, height: 480, frame rate: 23.976, mime type: video/mp4, matrix coefficients: BT.601, file title from metadata: Pacific Rim
Audio track id: 0, lang: en, audio track title from metadata: Stereo, audio codec: AAC, sample frequency:48000, number of channels: 2, bits per sample: 16
Audio track id: 1, lang: en, audio track title from metadata: Surround, audio codec: AC3, sample frequency:48000, number of channels: 6, bits per sample: 16
Subtitle track id: 0, type: VOBSUB, lang: en
23:17:46 DEBUG Starting mkfifo --mode=777 /tmp/UMS-matt/ffmpegvideo_95_1473650266704
23:17:46 DEBUG Unix process ID (mkfifo): 11775
23:17:47 DEBUG Starting /home/matt/dev/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-7.0.0-a1-SNAPSHOT/linux/ffmpeg64 -y -loglevel fatal -i /public/Videos/Test/large-video.m4v -map 0:v -map 0:a:0 -bufsize 15000k -maxrate 14000k -crf 19 -ab 448k -ar 48000 -c:a ac3 -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -level 31 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mpegts /tmp/UMS-matt/ffmpegvideo_95_1473650266704
23:17:47 DEBUG Reading pipe: /tmp/UMS-matt/ffmpegvideo_95_1473650266704
23:17:47 DEBUG Attaching thread: ffmpeg64-10
23:17:47 DEBUG Unix process ID (/home/matt/dev/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-7.0.0-a1-SNAPSHOT/linux/ffmpeg64): 11779
23:17:47 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:47 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:48 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:48 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:48 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:48 DEBUG Setting InputStream new position to: 481,280
23:17:48 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:48 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:48 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:49 DEBUG Connection error: Connection reset by peer
23:17:49 DEBUG Premature end, stopping...
23:17:49 DEBUG Matched media renderer "Vizio Smart TV" based on address /
23:17:52 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:18:23 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:18:55 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:19:26 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:19:52 DEBUG Setting margin to 2Mb
23:19:58 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:20:29 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:21:01 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:21:32 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
23:22:04 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
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