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rm(list = ls()) | |
gc() | |
library(knitr) | |
library(blotter) | |
if (!exists('.blotter')) .blotter <- new.env() | |
suppressWarnings(try(rm(list=c("account.forex","portfolio.forex"),pos=.blotter),silent=TRUE)) | |
suppressWarnings(try(rm(list=c("b.strategy","myTheme","EURUSD",".getSymbols")),silent=TRUE)) | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
ticksize <- 0.00001 | |
pipmultiplier <- 10000 | |
posmultiplier <- 1 | |
library(FinancialInstrument) | |
library(doParallel) | |
currency(c("EUR","USD")); | |
exchange_rate(currency = "USD", counter_currency = "EUR", tick_size = ticksize, pos.multiplier = posmultiplier, pip.multiplier= pipmultiplier) #primary_id = symbol | |
ls(all=T) | |
ls(envir=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument) | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
get("USD",envir=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument) | |
get("EUR",envir=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument) | |
get("EURUSD",envir=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument) | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# system settings | |
data.dir <- 'g:\\fxmotif\\data\\EURUSD\\D1' | |
rdata.dir <- 'g:\\fxmotif\\R\\data\\fx\\' | |
initDate <- '2004-12-31' | |
startDate <- '2005-01-01' | |
endDate <- '2015-12-31' | |
initEq <- 1e4 | |
portfolio <- account <- "forex" | |
B <- 200 | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Sys.setenv(TZ="UTC") | |
##---- | |
# preprocess data | |
##---- | |
dtfun <- function(x) as.POSIXct(strptime(x, format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")) | |
EURUSD <- as.xts(read.zoo(file = paste(data.dir, "EURUSD_Candlestick_1_D_BID_01.01.2005-31.12.2015.csv", sep="\\"), | |
header=T, sep=',', FUN=dtfun)) | |
colnames(EURUSD) <- c("Open","High","Low","Close","Volume") | |
symbols = c("EURUSD") | |
symbol = symbols[1] | |
library(TTR) | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# Init portfolio | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
b.strategy <- "forex" | |
initPortf(b.strategy, 'EURUSD', initDate=initDate) | |
initAcct(b.strategy, portfolios=b.strategy, initDate=initDate, initEq=initEq) | |
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
EURUSD <- EURUSD[EURUSD[,"Volume"] > 0,] | |
EURUSD$ret1 <- diff(Cl(EURUSD)) | |
EURUSD$ret2 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,1) | |
EURUSD$ret3 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,2) | |
EURUSD$ret4 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,3) | |
EURUSD$ret5 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,4) | |
EURUSD$ret6 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,5) | |
EURUSD$ret7 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,6) | |
EURUSD$ret8 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,7) | |
EURUSD$ret9 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,8) | |
EURUSD$ret10 <- lag(EURUSD$ret1,9) | |
## Target | |
EURUSD$Target <- lag(diff(Cl(EURUSD)), -1) | |
require(caret) | |
library(nnet) | |
trainMethod <- function(y){ | |
#y <- EURUSD[1:201,] | |
cols <- c("ret1", "ret2", "ret3", "ret4", "ret5","ret6", "ret7", "ret8", "ret9", "ret10") | |
y.scaled <- y[,cols] | |
y.scaled <- merge(as.xts(y.scaled), y[, "Target"]) | |
cols <- colnames(y.scaled) | |
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10) | |
nnet_grid <- expand.grid(.decay = 10^seq(-6,-4,1), .size = seq(3,13,2)) | |
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()) | |
registerDoParallel(cl) | |
nnfit3 <- train(Target ~ . , y.scaled[1:B,], method = "nnet", maxit = 10^7, trControl = ctrl, tuneGrid = nnet_grid, | |
linout=T, trace=F,preProcess = c("center", "scale"), allowParallel=T) | |
pred <- predict(nnfit3, y.scaled[nrow(y.scaled), cols[-c(length(cols))]]) | |
stopCluster(cl) | |
return(pred) | |
} | |
# trade | |
assign("sl", 0, .GlobalEnv) | |
assign("tp", 0, .GlobalEnv) | |
assign("balance", initEq, .GlobalEnv) | |
slMul <- 0.8; tpMul <- 1 | |
initUnitSize <- as.numeric(10000) | |
#data <- EURUSD; symbol = "EURUSD"; pft <- "forex"; i = 150 | |
tradeLogic <- function(data, symbol, i, pft){ | |
# update values for this date | |
tp <- get("tp", .GlobalEnv) | |
sl <- get("sl", .GlobalEnv) | |
balance <- get("balance", .GlobalEnv) | |
CurrentDate <- time(data)[i] | |
equity = getEndEq("forex", CurrentDate) | |
OpenPrice <- as.numeric(Op(data[i,])) | |
ClosePrice <- as.numeric(Cl(data[i,])) | |
HighPrice <- as.numeric(Hi(data[i,])) | |
LowPrice <- as.numeric(Lo(data[i,])) | |
Target <- trainMethod(data[(i-B):(i)]) | |
Atr <- as.numeric(data[i,]$atr) | |
Posn <- getPosQty(pft, Symbol=symbol, Date=CurrentDate) | |
posMultiplier <- get(symbol,envir=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument)$pos.multiplier | |
pipMultiplier <- get(symbol,envir=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument)$pip.multiplier | |
pips = (round(Atr * pipMultiplier)/pipMultiplier) | |
UnitSize = initUnitSize * posMultiplier | |
txnFees <- -0.4 | |
if(Posn > 0){ | |
addTxn(pft, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=CurrentDate, TxnPrice=ClosePrice, TxnQty = -Posn , TxnFees=txnFees) | |
} | |
else if(Posn < 0){ | |
addTxn(pft, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=CurrentDate, TxnPrice=ClosePrice, TxnQty = -Posn , TxnFees=txnFees) | |
} | |
if( Target > 0) { | |
# enter long position | |
addTxn(pft, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=CurrentDate, TxnPrice=ClosePrice, TxnQty = UnitSize , TxnFees=txnFees) | |
sl <- OpenPrice - slMul*Target; tp <- ClosePrice + tpMul*pips; | |
} | |
else if(Target < 0) { | |
addTxn(pft, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=CurrentDate, TxnPrice=ClosePrice, TxnQty = -UnitSize , TxnFees=txnFees) | |
sl <- OpenPrice + abs(slMul*Target);tp <- ClosePrice - abs(tpMul*pips); | |
} | |
else { | |
if( i==nrow(data)) # exit on last day | |
{ | |
if(Posn > 0 ) addTxn(pft, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=CurrentDate, TxnPrice=ClosePrice, TxnQty = -UnitSize , TxnFees=0) | |
if(Posn < 0 ) addTxn(pft, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=CurrentDate, TxnPrice=ClosePrice, TxnQty = -UnitSize , TxnFees=0) | |
} | |
} | |
assign("sl", sl, .GlobalEnv) | |
assign("tp", tp, .GlobalEnv) | |
assign("balance", balance, .GlobalEnv) | |
} | |
library(PerformanceAnalytics) | |
printRets <- function(){ | |
rets <- PortfReturns(Account=account) | |
rownames(rets) <- NULL | |
charts.PerformanceSummary(rets, ylog = F, main = symbol[1],colorset=bluefocus) | |
table.AnnualizedReturns(rets) | |
} | |
# offset <- which(index(quote) == "2005-10-11 02:00:00") + 1 | |
quote <- EURUSD | |
offset <- i <- B+1 | |
idx <- 1 | |
for( i in offset:nrow(quote)) { | |
CurrentDate <- time(quote[i])# as.Date(day) | |
tradeLogic(quote, symbols[1], i, "forex") | |
updatePortf("forex", Dates=CurrentDate) | |
idx = idx + 1; | |
if(idx == 5){ | |
idx = 0 | |
printRets(); | |
} | |
} # End dates loop | |
#printRets(); | |
tail(getTxns(Portfolio=portfolio, Symbol=symbols[1]),20) | |
rets <- PortfReturns(Account=account) | |
rownames(rets) <- NULL | |
charts.PerformanceSummary(rets, ylog = T, main = symbol[1],colorset=bluefocus) | |
table.AnnualizedReturns(rets) | |
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