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/* Use Jackknife method to compute discretionary accruals */ | |
/* see https://mingze-gao.com/posts/compute-jackknife-coefficient-estimates-in-sas/ */ | |
/* UseHribarCollinsTotalAccruals: | |
- true: use Hribar-Collins Cashflow Total Accruals | |
- false: use normal method */ | |
%let UseHribarCollinsTotalAccruals = false; | |
/* Include %array and %do_over */ | |
filename do_over url "https://mingze-gao.com/utils/do_over.sas"; | |
filename array url "https://mingze-gao.com/utils/array.sas"; | |
%include do_over array; | |
/* Winsorize macro */ | |
filename winsor url "https://mingze-gao.com/utils/winsor.sas"; | |
%include winsor; | |
/* | |
Earnings management models | |
Author: Mingze (Adrian) Gao, Feb 2019 | |
Modified based on the work by Joost Impink, March 2016 | |
Models estimated (Note that the intercept a0 is removed in the modified code below): | |
- Jones model, tac = a0 + a1 1/TAt-1 + a2chSales + a3PPE + a4ROA + error. | |
- variable names DA_Jones | |
- Modified Jones model, as Jones model, but using chSales - chREC to compute fitted values. | |
- variable names DA_mJones | |
- Kothari 2005, controlling for ROA, tac = a0 + a1 1/TAt-1 + a2(chSales - chREC) + a3PPE + a4ROA + error. | |
- variable names DA_Kothari | |
- Kothari 2005, performance matched, Jones model, difference in discretionary accruals between firm and closest firm in terms of (contemporaneous) roa | |
- variable names DA_pmKothari_Jones | |
- Kothari 2005, performance matched, modified Jones model, difference in discretionary accruals between firm and closest firm in terms of (contemporaneous) roa | |
- variable names DA_pmKothari_mJones | |
tac: Total accruals, computed as net profit after tax before extraordinary items less cash flows from operations | |
1/TAt-1: Inverse of beginning of year total assets | |
chSales: Change in net sales revenue | |
chREC: Change in net receivables | |
PPE: Gross property, plant, and equipment | |
ROA: Return on assets. | |
Variables used Compustat Funda | |
AT: Total assets | |
IB: Income Before Extraordinary Items | |
IBC: Income Before Extraordinary Items (Cash Flow) (used if IB is missing) | |
OANCF: Operating Activities - Net Cash Flow | |
PPEGT: Property, Plant and Equipment - Total (Gross) | |
RECT: Receivables - Total | |
SALE: Sales | |
INVT: Inventories - Total | |
LCO: Current Liabilities Other Total | |
DP: Depreciation and Amortization | |
ACO: Current Assets Other Total | |
AP: Accounts Payable - Trade | |
*/ | |
/* Get Funda variables */ | |
%let fundaVars = at ib ibc oancf ppegt rect sale xidoc lco dp aco invt ap; | |
data work.a_funda(keep=key gvkey fyear datadate sich &fundaVars); | |
set comp.funda; | |
if 1980 <= fyear <= 2018; | |
/* Generic filter */ | |
if indfmt='INDL' and datafmt='STD' and popsrc='D' and consol='C'; | |
/* Firm-year identifier */ | |
key = gvkey || fyear; | |
/* Keep if sale > 0, at > 0 */ | |
if sale > 0 and at > 0; | |
/* Use Income Before Extraordinary Items (Cash Flow) if ib is missing */ | |
if ib =. then ib=ibc; | |
run; | |
/* Lagged values for: at sale rect invt aco ap lco */ | |
%let lagVars = at sale rect invt aco ap lco; | |
/* Self join to get lagged values at_l, sale_l, rect_l */ | |
proc sql; | |
create table work.b_funda as select a.*, %do_over(values=&lagVars, between=comma, phrase=b.? as ?_l) | |
from work.a_funda a, work.a_funda b | |
where a.gvkey = b.gvkey and a.fyear-1 = b.fyear; | |
quit; | |
/* Construct additional variables */ | |
data work.b_funda(compress=yes); | |
set work.b_funda; | |
/* 2-digit SIC */ | |
sic2 = int(sich/100); | |
/* variables */ | |
if "&UseHribarCollinsTotalAccruals." eq "false" then | |
tac = ((rect-rect_l)+(invt-invt_l)+(aco-aco_l)-(ap-ap_l)-(lco-lco_l)-dp)/at_l; /* Accruals ratio */ | |
else | |
tac = (ibc - oancf + xidoc)/at_l; /* Hribar Collins total cash flow accruals */ | |
inv_at_l = 1 / at_l; | |
drev = (sale - sale_l) / at_l; | |
drevadj = (sale - sale_l)/at_l - (rect - rect_l)/at_l; | |
ppe = ppegt / at_l; | |
roa = ib / at_l; | |
/* these variables may not be missing (cmiss counts missing variables)*/ | |
*if cmiss (of tac inv_at_l drevadj ppe roa) eq 0; | |
run; | |
/* Optional winsorization before industry-year regression */ | |
%let winsVars = tac inv_at_l drev drevadj ppe roa ; | |
%winsor(dsetin=work.b_funda, dsetout=work.b_funda_wins, byvar=fyear, vars=&winsVars, type=winsor, pctl=1 99); | |
/* Regression by industry-year | |
edf(error degrees of freedom) + #params will equal the number of obs (no need for proc univariate to count) */ | |
proc sort data=work.b_funda_wins; by fyear sic2; run; | |
/* regressors */ | |
%array(vars, values=inv_at_l drev ppe drevadj roa); | |
ods listing close; | |
proc reg data=work.b_funda_wins edf outest=work.c_parms; | |
by fyear sic2; | |
id key; | |
/* Jones Model */ | |
Jones: model tac = inv_at_l drev ppe / noint influence i; | |
/* Kothari with ROA in model */ | |
Kothari: model tac = inv_at_l drevadj ppe roa / noint influence i; | |
ods output OutputStatistics=work.outstats InvXPX=work.xpxinv; | |
run; | |
ods listing; | |
/* Compute discretionary accrual measures */ | |
proc sql; | |
/* Compute firm-year Jackknifed coefficient estimates */ | |
create table work.xpxinv2 as | |
/* Extract the diagnol elements of the symmetric inv(X'X) for each firm-year */ | |
select fyear, sic2, model, | |
%do_over(vars, phrase=sum(case when variable="?" then xpxinv else . end) as ?, between=comma) | |
from (select fyear, sic2, model, variable, | |
case %do_over(vars, phrase=when variable="?" then ?) else . end as xpxinv | |
from work.xpxinv where variable ~= 'tac') | |
group by fyear, sic2, model | |
order by fyear, sic2, model; | |
/* The difference between original coefficient estimates and the Jackknifed estimates */ | |
create table work.bias as | |
select a.fyear, a.sic2, a.model, a.key, | |
%do_over(vars, phrase=a.DFB_?*(a.Residual/(a.RStudent*sqrt(1-a.HatDiagonal)))*sqrt(b.?) as bias_?, between=comma) | |
from work.outstats as a left join work.xpxinv2 as b | |
on a.fyear=b.fyear and a.sic2=b.sic2 and a.model=b.model | |
order by a.fyear, a.sic2, a.model, a.key; | |
/* Compute Jackknifed coefficient estimates by subtracting the bias from the original estimates */ | |
create table work.Jackknifed_params as | |
select a.fyear, a.sic2, a.model, a.key, %do_over(vars, phrase=b.? - a.bias_? as ?, between=comma), b._EDF_ | |
from work.bias as a left join work.c_parms as b | |
on a.fyear=b.fyear and a.sic2=b.sic2 and a.model=b._MODEL_ | |
order by a.fyear, a.sic2, a.model, a.key; | |
/* Compute discretionary accruals */ | |
create table work.tmp as | |
select distinct a.fyear, a.sic2, a.gvkey, a.key, | |
/* Jones model at a minimum 8 obs (5 degrees of freedom + 3 params) */ | |
sum(case when b.model eq 'Jones' and b._EDF_ ge 5 then | |
a.tac - (%do_over(values=inv_at_l drev ppe, between=%str(+), phrase=a.? * b.?)) else . end) as DA_Jones, | |
/* Modified Jones model: drev is used in first model, but drevadj is used to compute fitted value */ | |
sum(case when b.model eq 'Jones' and b._EDF_ ge 5 then | |
a.tac - (a.drevadj * b.drev + %do_over(values=inv_at_l ppe, between=%str(+), phrase=a.? * b.?)) else . end) as DA_mJones, | |
/* Kothari model (with ROA in regression) at a minimum 8 obs (4 degrees of freedom + 4 params) */ | |
sum(case when b.model eq 'Kothari' and b._EDF_ ge 4 then | |
a.tac - (%do_over(values=inv_at_l drevadj ppe roa, between=%str(+), phrase=a.? * b.?)) else . end) as DA_Kothari | |
from work.b_funda_wins as a left join work.Jackknifed_params as b | |
on a.key=b.key | |
group by a.key | |
order by a.gvkey, a.fyear; | |
/* Kothari performance matching: get DA_Jones (DA_mJones) accruals for the matched firm closest in ROA */ | |
create table work.da_roa as select a.*, b.roa from work.tmp as a left join work.b_funda_wins as b on a.key=b.key; | |
create table work.da_all as | |
select a.*, | |
/* gvkey of matched firm */ | |
b.gvkey as gvkey_m, | |
/* difference in ROA */ | |
abs(a.roa - b.roa) as Difference, | |
/* difference in DA_Jones */ | |
a.DA_Jones - b.DA_Jones as DA_pmKothari_Jones, | |
a.DA_mJones - b.DA_mJones as DA_pmKothari_mJones | |
from work.da_roa as a left join work.da_roa as b | |
on a.fyear = b.fyear and a.sic2 = b.sic2 /* same 2-digit SIC industry-year */ | |
and a.key ne b.key /* not the same firm */ | |
group by a.gvkey, a.fyear | |
having Difference = min(Difference) /* keep best match for size difference */ | |
order by gvkey, fyear; | |
quit; | |
/* drop possible multiple matches (with the same difference) in previous step */ | |
proc sort data=work.da_all nodupkey; by key; run; | |
%let DAVars = DA_Jones DA_mJones DA_Kothari DA_pmKothari_Jones DA_pmKothari_mJones; | |
/* Winsorize discretionary accrual variables (Optional) */ | |
%winsor(dsetin=work.da_all, dsetout=work.accruals_HribarCollins_&UseHribarCollinsTotalAccruals., byvar=fyear, vars=&DAVars, type=winsor, pctl=1 99); | |
/* Means, medians for key variables */ | |
proc means data=work.accruals_HribarCollins_&UseHribarCollinsTotalAccruals. n mean min median max; var &DAVars; run; |
Hello, I hope you are well. The do_over and array links are not working. Could you please help with this?
@helmouttaqui it's fixed now.
Thank you so much for your help and the resources you've provided. I have one last question. When I run the codes from line 109 till 121, SAS takes too long to give an output. It's been running for the past hour and half. Any reason why it does that?
I'm not sure about this. Can you try to shorten the sample period and see if it still takes a long time? The last time I ran this it was done in a reasonable time.
Hello, I hope you are well. The do_over and array links are not working. Could you please help with this?
@helmouttaqui it's fixed now.
Thank you so much for your help and the resources you've provided. I have one last question. When I run the codes from line 109 till 121, SAS takes too long to give an output. It's been running for the past hour and half. Any reason why it does that?
I'm not sure about this. Can you try to shorten the sample period and see if it still takes a long time? The last time I ran this it was done in a reasonable time.
I will do that. Thank you for your time and replies. Truly appreciate it.
Hi, do you happen to have the code for The Quality of Accruals and Earnings: The Role of Accrual Estimation Errors by Dechow and Dichev 2002?
Thank you so much for your help and the resources you've provided. I have one last question. When I run the codes from line 109 till 121, SAS takes too long to give an output. It's been running for the past hour and half. Any reason why it does that?