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Last active April 17, 2016 22:04
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Brady Campaign vs. the NRA on Senators

This scatterplot shows how the pro-gun NRA and the pro-gun-control Brady Campaign rank U.S. senators. The size of the dot is proportional to the number of senators; hover over to see them. Not surprisingly, there's a strong negative correlation.

Each scatter dot is actually a pie chart, but I am saved from the wrath of the datavis gods by political polarization: there are no Democrats and Republicans that share a stance.

The data were surpringly hard to come by but were sourced from VoteSmart (Brady) and The Washington Post (NRA).

Built with

state senator party brady nra
AL Richard Shelby Republican 0 A+
AL Jeff Sessions Republican 8 A+
AZ John McCain Republican 11 B+
CA Dianne Feinstein Democratic 100 F
CA Barbara Boxer Democratic 100 F
GA Johnny Isakson Republican 0 A
IA Chuck Grassley Republican 11 A
ID Mike Crapo Republican 0 A+
IL Dick Durbin Democratic 100 F
KS Pat Roberts Republican 8 A
KS Jerry Moran Republican 60 A
KY Mitch McConnell Republican 5 A
LA David Vitter Republican 20 A
MA Ed Markey Democratic 100 F
MD Barbara Mikulski Democratic 100 F
MD Ben Cardin Democratic 100 F
ME Susan Collins Republican 17 C+
MO Roy Blunt Republican 0 A
MS Thad Cochran Republican 5 A
MS Roger Wicker Republican 0 A+
NC Richard Burr Republican 17 A
NJ Bob Menendez Democratic 91 F
NM Tom Udall Democratic 80 C
NV Harry Reid Democratic 74 B
NY Chuck Schumer Democratic 100 F
OH Sherrod Brown Democratic 100 F
OH Rob Portman Republican 18 A
OK Jim Inhofe Republican 0 A+
OR Ron Wyden Democratic 100 F
PA Pat Toomey Republican 0 A
RI Jack Reed Democratic 100 F
SC Lindsey Graham Republican 0 A
SD John Thune Republican 20 A+
UT Orrin Hatch Republican 5 A+
VT Patrick Leahy Democratic 47 C
VT Bernie Sanders Independent 71 D-
WA Patty Murray Democratic 89 F
WI Tammy Baldwin Democratic 100 F
WY Mike Enzi Republican 8 A
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d3.csv("gun_data.csv", function(err, data){
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