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Created March 6, 2018 22:53
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Enumeration of spanning subgraphs of the NxN grid
# Problem:
# How many possible mazes are there on an NxN grid? Where a maze is a
# collection of links between grid nodes such that each node has 1-4 links
# and has a path to every other node.
# -- @relsqui,
# This counting approach implements a method similar to that described in
# "Spanning Trees in Grid Graphs", Paul Raff,
# The key idea is to create a transition matrix counting the number of
# ways of going from one partition to another, where the partition
# specifies which points on the edge of the grid are connected to each other.
# Once we do that for all K-partitions, we can easily compute the
# number of "mazes" for all KxN grids.
# The resulting sequence for NxN grids
# 1, 5, 431, 555195, 10286937043, 2692324030864335
# is not in OEIS, but there was a reference to it in a Japanese set of slides
# referring to Tutte polynomials, which may provide a better way of computing
# the sequence.
# The official name for these "mazes" appears to be a "spanning subgraph",
# i.e., the subgraph spans all nodes but has the same number of components.
def partition( collection ):
"""Generator that yields all partitions of "collection" into sets,
represented as lists or lists."""
if len( collection ) == 1:
yield [ collection ]
first = collection[0]
rest = collection[1:]
for p in partition( rest ):
# First element could be in any of the sets returned
for i in xrange( len( p ) ):
yield p[:i] + [ [first] + p[i] ] + p[i+1:]
yield [[first]] + p
def partitions( k ):
return list( sorted( p ) for p in partition( range( 1, k+1 ) ) )
def isConsecutiveRange( nums ):
"""Assume the numbers are in order?"""
for (n, x) in enumerate( nums, nums[0] ):
if n != x:
return False
return True
def startingVector( k, partitions ):
"""Count the number of ways to connect the k vertices in a 1xk grid
for each of the numbered partitions.
This is 1 if all the numbered verticies are adjacent, and zero otherwise.
def possibleInK( p ):
for s in p:
if not isConsecutiveRange( s ):
return 0
return 1
return [ possibleInK( p ) for p in partitions ]
import itertools
import numpy as np
def allSubsets( collection ):
for cardinality in xrange( len( collection ) + 1 ):
for s in itertools.combinations( collection, cardinality ):
yield s
def adjacencyMatrices( k, startPartition ):
# We will use 1..k for the end and k+1..2k for the previous vertices
a = np.zeros( ( 2 * k + 1, 2 * k + 1 ), np.int8 )
# Fill in the startPosition adjacencies
for p in startPartition:
if len( p ) > 0:
for (i,j) in zip( p, p[1:] ):
a[k+i,k+j] = 1
a[k+j,k+i] = 1
# Now we'll iterate over all horizontal and vertical edges
while True:
yield a
# Increment verticals
carry = True
for v in xrange( 1, k ):
if a[v,v+1] == 0:
a[v,v+1] = 1
a[v+1,v] = 1
carry = False
# Carry to next "digit"
a[v,v+1] = 0
a[v+1,v] = 0
if carry:
for h in xrange( 1, k+1 ):
if a[h,k+h] == 0:
a[h,k+h] = 1
a[k+h,h] = 1
carry = False
a[h,k+h] = 0
a[k+h,h] = 0
if carry:
# All done
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
def drawAdj( k, a ):
graph = nx.convert_matrix.from_numpy_matrix( a )
positions = [ (100,100) ] + \
[ ( 200 + random.randint(-10,10), 100 * i ) for i in xrange( 1, k+1 ) ] + \
[ ( 100 + random.randint(-10,10), 100 * i ) for i in xrange( 1, k+1 ) ]
positions[0] = positions[1]
nx.draw( graph, positions, node_size=5 )
print a
for c in nx.connected_components( graph ):
print c
def isGraphCompatible( k, a, partitions ):
"""Returns the index of the partition this graph is compatible with,
or None if not compatible."""
graph = nx.convert_matrix.from_numpy_matrix( a )
# FIXME: this conversion is probably expensive, and
# many graphs could be eliminated right away rather than continuing
# to enumerate all their connected components.
ccs = list( nx.connected_components( graph ) )
#print "Matrix", a, "components", ccs
# Each of the connected components we want has elements from 1..k, but
# may also have larger items. Any connected component with just k+1 and
# higher means we have lost overall connectivity.
part = []
for c in ccs:
c2 = filter( lambda x : x <= k,
iter( c ) )
if len( c2 ) == 0:
return None
c3 = sorted( c2 )
if c3 == [ 0 ]:
part.append( c3 )
#print "part", part
return partitions.index( part )
except ValueError:
return None
def buildCountingMatrix( k ):
pp = partitions( k )
numPart = len( pp )
count = np.zeros( ( numPart, numPart ), np.int64 )
for i in xrange( numPart ):
for a in adjacencyMatrices( k, pp[i] ):
j = isGraphCompatible( k, a, pp )
if j != None:
count[i,j] += 1
return ( startingVector( k, pp ), count )
def nxnTable():
for k in xrange( 1, 100 ):
print k,
(v, a) = buildCountingMatrix( k )
ap = np.linalg.matrix_power( a, k - 1 )
print np.matmul( v, ap )[0]
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