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Last active February 27, 2021 16:57
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ArchUnit Examples
// build.gradle.kts
// testImplementation("com.tngtech.archunit:archunit-junit5-engine:0.17.0")
@AnalyzeClasses(packages = ["my.awesome.package"])
class GeneralCodingRulesTest {
val `no classes should throw generic exceptions` = NO_CLASSES_SHOULD_THROW_GENERIC_EXCEPTIONS
val `no classes should use JodaTime` = NO_CLASSES_SHOULD_USE_JODATIME
val `interfaces should not have names ending with the word interface` = noClasses()
val `interfaces should not have simple class names containing the word interface` = noClasses()
@AnalyzeClasses(packages = ["my.awesome.package"])
class LayerDependencyRulesTest {
val `layer dependencies are respected` = layeredArchitecture()
companion object {
private const val APPLICATION_LAYER = "Application"
private const val DOMAIN_LAYER = "Domain"
private const val INFRASTRUCTURE_LAYER = "Infrastructure"
packages = ["my.awesome.package"],
importOptions = [ImportOption.DoNotIncludeTests::class]
class SpringCodingRulesTest {
val `no classes should be annotated with autowired` = noFields()
val `no classes should be annotated with value` = noFields()
val `configuration classes should be annotated with Configuration annotation` = classes()
val `classes with Configuration annotation should reside in configuration package` = classes()
packages = ["my.awesome.package.domain"],
importOptions = [ImportOption.DoNotIncludeTests::class]
class DomainCodingRules {
val `classes in domain should not be annotated with Component annotation` = noClasses()
val `classes in domain should not use any spring classes` = noClasses()
val `classes in domain should not use any persistence classes` = noClasses()
.resideInAnyPackage("javax.persistence..", "org.hibernate..")
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