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Created May 31, 2009 16:20
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property numFFWindows : 0
property FFPos : {}
property FFSize : {}
property numTermWindows : 0
property TermPos : {}
property TermSize : {}
property iTunesPos : {}
property iTunesSize : {}
property EmacsPos : {}
property EmacsSize : {}
property TweetDeckPos : {}
property TweetDeckSize : {}
property iCalPos : 0
property iCalSize : 0
property AdiumContactsPos : 0
property AdiumContactsSize : 0
property AdiumIMSize : 0
property AdiumIMPos : 0
property OFPos : 0
property OFSize : 0
display dialog "Set Window Position or Save Window Position?" buttons {"Restore", "Save"} default button "Restore"
set theResult to result
tell application "System Events"
if (button returned of theResult is "Restore") then
-- Restore Settings
if (numFFWindows > 0) then
tell process "Firefox"
repeat with i from 1 to numFFWindows
set position of window i to (item i of FFPos)
set size of window i to (item i of FFSize)
end repeat
end tell
end if
if (numTermWindows > 0) then
tell process "Terminal"
repeat with i from 1 to numTermWindows
set position of window i to (item i of TermPos)
set size of window i to (item i of TermSize)
end repeat
end tell
end if
if (iTunesPos is not {0, 0}) then
tell process "iTunes"
set position of window 1 to iTunesPos
set size of window 1 to iTunesSize
end tell
end if
if (EmacsPos is not {0, 0}) then
tell process "Emacs"
set position of window 1 to EmacsPos
set size of window 1 to EmacsSize
end tell
end if
if (iCalPos is not {0, 0}) then
tell process "iCal"
set position of window 1 to iCalPos
set size of window 1 to iCalSize
end tell
end if
if (OFPos is not {0, 0}) then
tell process "OmniFocus"
set position of window 1 to OFPos
set size of window 1 to OFSize
end tell
end if
if (AdiumContactsPos is not {0, 0}) then
tell process "Adium"
set position of window "Contacts" to AdiumContactsPos
set size of window "Contacts" to AdiumContactsSize
repeat with i from 1 to (count windows)
if ((window i) is not (window "Contacts")) then
set position of window i to AdiumIMPos
set size of window i to AdiumIMSize
end if
end repeat
end tell
end if
-- Save Settings
tell process "Firefox"
set numFFWindows to count windows
set FFPos to {}
set FFSize to {}
repeat with i from 1 to numFFWindows
set end of FFPos to (position of window i)
set end of FFSize to (size of window i)
end repeat
end tell
tell process "Terminal"
set numTermWindows to count windows
set TermPos to {}
set TermSize to {}
repeat with i from 1 to numTermWindows
set end of TermPos to (position of window i)
set end of TermSize to (size of window i)
end repeat
end tell
tell process "iTunes"
set iTunesPos to position of window 1
set iTunesSize to size of window 1
end tell
tell process "Emacs"
set EmacsPos to position of window 1
set EmacsSize to size of window 1
end tell
tell process "iCal"
set iCalPos to position of window 1
set iCalSize to size of window 1
end tell
tell process "OmniFocus"
set OFPos to position of window 1
set OFSize to size of window 1
end tell
tell process "Adium"
set AdiumContactsPos to position of window "Contacts"
set AdiumContactsSize to size of window "Contacts"
set AdiumIMPos to {}
set AdiumIMSize to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (count windows)
if ((window i) is not (window "Contacts")) then
set AdiumIMPos to (position of window i)
set AdiumIMSize to (size of window i)
end if
end repeat
end tell
end if
end tell
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