A collection of container images I use for admin tasks or troubleshooting in environments such as CoreOS where quite often the one or other thing is not available or I can't be bothered to install stuff.
Good old netcat:
$ docker run -it --rm appropriate/nc $IP $PORT
DNSing the heck out of it:
$ docker run -it --rm sequenceiq/alpine-dig dig $FQDN
Where goez my package:
$ docker run -it --rm zburgermeiszter/traceroute $FQDN
DC/OS cluster:
$ docker run -it --rm jess/dcos-cli
$ docker run -it --rm jess/awscli
Kafka cluster:
$ docker run -it --rm mesosphere/kafka-client
$ docker run -it --rm williamyeh/boom -n 1000 -c 100 $URL