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Created June 4, 2013 12:48
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Save mhawksey/5705633 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google Apps Script to send emails when an new Google Site Announcement is made (In response to )
1. Set two variables below
2. Run > setup (twice, once to authenticate the script, second to actually run
3. Rescources > Current project trigger's and then click 'No triggers set up. Click here to add one now.'
You can accept the defaults to run emailAnnouncements() every hour
var url_of_announcements_page = ""; // where your site page is
var who_to_email = "[email protected]" // who to send to (it can be a comma seperated list)
function emailAnnouncements(){
var page = SitesApp.getPageByUrl(url_of_announcements_page); // returns a page object
if(page.getPageType() == SitesApp.PageType.ANNOUNCEMENTS_PAGE){ // test if page object is announcement page
// get the last 10 announcements
var announcements = page.getAnnouncements({ start: 0,
max: 10,
includeDrafts: false,
includeDeleted: false});
announcements.reverse(); // reverse the result order so oldest first
for(var i in announcements) { // loop the individual announcements
var ann = announcements[i]; // just creating a little shortcut
var updated = ann.getLastUpdated().getTime(); // get when updated
if (updated > ScriptProperties.getProperty('last-update')){ // if greater than last update send email
var options = {}; // options used in MailApp
// create html body of the email using an announcement
options.htmlBody = Utilities.formatString("<h1><a href='%s'>%s</a></h1>%s", ann.getUrl(), ann.getTitle(), ann.getHtmlContent());
// send the email
MailApp.sendEmail(who_to_email, "Announcement "+ann.getTitle(), ann.getTextContent()+"\n\n"+ann.getUrl(), options);
// update the last email sent
function setup(){
ScriptProperties.setProperty('last-update',new Date().getTime());
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josei09 commented Mar 14, 2014

Thanks for posting this gist! Very useful =)

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kennith commented May 8, 2014

very useful! thank you.

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This has been working great for a long time, but now I am getting theses daily:

emailAnnouncements  Invalid argument: url (line 13, file "Code")

The url am is using seems to work just fine...!


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m-p-3 commented May 13, 2015

ScriptProperties API is deprecated.
File: Code Line: 24
The API has been marked as deprecated which means that the feature should be avoided and may be removed in the future. Consider using an alternative solution.

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saajantaslaero commented Mar 15, 2017

Hello Martin

Seems to be a great script to use. Thanks for Sharing

I set 2 variables (url and mail to address) Ran the setup function twice
Then tried to run the emailAnnouncements function and got this error ( I am unable to send a screenshot.
I am facing this trouble
Invalid argument: url (line 13, file "Code")

i am a new user. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

Saajan M

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I seem to have overcome the problem. The issue was due to multiple gmail account being logged in , the script got into one account while I was trying to run it from another system. But after running the function without errors. I am still not getting emails. Does it mean It will do so only after an hour? Is this normal?

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Taumm commented Jul 25, 2017

If you have any issues with an email not sending when it should, I recommend that you reset the permissions. I had this issue with this code after a while and I was able to fix it by removing the permissions given and then giving them back again.

Hope this helps anybody that would have the same issue.

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Hi, this code it great and I've modded it already to suit my needs. However, I am struggling to change it so that the email sent does not include the body of the announcement. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

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