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Created February 17, 2023 09:07
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Google Apps Script methods for generating Google My Drive report.
// @OnlyCurrentDoc
const FOLDER_ID = 'YOUR_FOLDER_ID'; // OR 'root' if you want your entire My Drive
* Method One: Using built-in DriveApp / file iterator
function generateFolderFilesDriveApp() {
try {
const folderId = FOLDER_ID;
const parentFolder = (folderId === 'root') ? DriveApp.getRootFolder() : DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
const path = `/${parentFolder.getName()}`;
const heads = [['Path', 'Name', 'ID', 'Link', 'Created Date', 'Modified Data', 'Mime Type', 'Size']];
const res = [];
// get parent folder files
getFolderFiles_(path, parentFolder, res)
// get child folders
getChildFolders_(parentFolder, path, res);
// writing the results to the report
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0]
sheet.getRange(1, 1, res.length + 1, res[0].length).setValues([...heads, ...res]);
sheet.getRange(2, 1, res.length, res[0].length).sort([1, 2]);
} catch (e) {
* Get child folders/files and output final result to Google Sheet
* @param {Folder} parent folder to get subfolders/files
* @param {String} path to current folder
* @param {Array} res of results
function getChildFolders_(parent, path, res) {
const childFolders = parent.getFolders();
// iterating across the child folders in this folder
while (childFolders.hasNext()) {
let childFolder =;
let currentPath = path + '/' + childFolder.getName();
// combine file detail array
getFolderFiles_(currentPath, childFolder, res)
// Recursive call for any sub-folders
getChildFolders_(childFolder, currentPath, res);
* Get folder files
* @param {String} path - path of the folder
* @param {Folder} folder to get files from
* @return {Array} of results
function getFolderFiles_(path, folder, res) {
// similar to getting the child folders getting the files in each folder
let files = folder.getFiles();
while (files.hasNext()) {
// Print list of files inside the folder
let file =;
// pushing some file info for the Google Sheet
res.push([path, file.getName(), file.getId(), file.getUrl(), file.getDateCreated(), file.getLastUpdated(), file.getMimeType(), file.getSize()])
// @OnlyCurrentDoc
const FOLDER_ID = 'YOUR_FOLDER_ID'; // OR 'root' if you want your entire My Drive
* Method Two: Calling Drive API v3
* By @mhawksey based on
function generateFolderFilesDriveV3() {
const folderId = (FOLDER_ID === 'root') ? DriveApp.getRootFolder().getId() : FOLDER_ID;
// Based on
// Logic:
// #1 get all folders in My Drive (used to filter and build folder paths)
// #2 optionally filter folders for selected folder (if specified in FOLDER_ID)
// #3 get files for filtered folders (or all folders if we are getting the root)
const folderPathDict = []; // we'll use this as a folder path dictionary
// #1 get all folders (build the query and fetch)
const foldersQuery = "trashed = false AND 'me' in owners AND mimeType = 'application/'";
const folderList = driveCall_(foldersQuery);
// #2 build the folder path dictionary and filter folders if the entire drive isn't required
// Based on
const folderIds = function c(folder, res) {
folderPathDict[folder] = getFolderPath_(folder, folderList);
// return parent of folder
const ar = folderList.filter(e => { if (e.parents) return e.parents[0] == folder });
ar.forEach(e => c(, res));
return res;
}(folderId, []);
// #3 get all files or get filtered folders files
let filesList = [];
if (FOLDER_ID === 'root') {
console.log('Getting all files');
const filesQuery = "trashed = false AND 'me' in owners AND mimeType != 'application/'";
filesList = driveCall_(filesQuery);
} else {
// chunk the folders into batches of 20 (this keeps the length of urlfetch within limits)
console.log('Getting files in chunks');
const folderIdChunks = spliceIntoChunks_(folderIds, 20);, idx) => {
const filesQuery = ` '${ids.join("' in parents or '")}' in parents`;
console.log(`Getting filesList batch: ${idx + 1}`)
let responseItems = driveCall_(filesQuery);
filesList = [...filesList, ...responseItems];
// constructing the 2d array for google sheets
const heads = [['Path', 'Name', 'ID', 'Link', 'Created Date', 'Modified Data', 'Mime Type', 'Size']];
const res = => {
f.path = folderPathDict[(f.parents) ? f.parents[0] : folderId];
return [f.path,,, f.webViewLink, new Date(f.createdTime), new Date(f.modifiedTime), f.mimeType, f.quotaBytesUsed]
// writing the results to the report
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[1]
sheet.getRange(1, 1, res.length + 1, res[0].length).setValues([...heads, ...res]);
sheet.getRange(2, 1, res.length, res[0].length).sort([1, 2])
* Get folder path
* Based on
* @param {string} [folder=null] the folder to get the path of
* @param {array} allFolders files response
* @param {string} path current constructed folder path
* @returns {string} a drive folder path
function getFolderPath_(folder = null, allFolders, path = '/',) {
if (!folder) return '';
let ar = allFolders.filter(e => == folder);
// if no folders at the root
if (!ar.length) {
return "/My Drive" + path;
} else {
// else contrinue to construct the path
return getFolderPath_(ar[0].parents[0], allFolders, '/' + ar[0].name + path);
* Split array into chuncks
* @see
* @param {Array} arr input array
* @param {Integer} size of arrays
* @return {Array} of arrays
function spliceIntoChunks_(arr, size) {
return arr.reduce((acc, e, i) => (i % size ? acc[acc.length - 1].push(e) : acc.push([e]), acc), []);
* Make Drive API v3 files.lists calls
* @param {String} optional query term
* @return {Object} files resource object array
function driveCall_(query) {
// options
const options = {
muteHttpExceptions: true,
method: "GET",
headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
// variables
let pageToken = null;
let filesList = [];
// loop for drive api calls
do {
const params = {
"pageSize": 1000,
"fields": "files(id,name,createdTime,modifiedTime,size,parents,webViewLink,mimeType,quotaBytesUsed),nextPageToken",
// additional parameters
if (pageToken) params.pageToken = pageToken;
if (query) params.q = query;
// construct the call querystring
const queryString = Object.keys(params).map(function (p) {
return [encodeURIComponent(p), encodeURIComponent(params[p])].join("=");
const url = "" + queryString
const response = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options).getContentText());
if (response.files.length > 0) filesList = [...filesList, ...response.files];
pageToken = response.nextPageToken;
} while (pageToken);
return filesList;
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