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Created October 23, 2009 18:40
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{"servicetypedefinition": [
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-HOWLONG"}, {"prompt": "How long has the bicycle been abandoned?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "TextBox "}, {"width": "200"}, {"itemlist": "\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-NOWHEELS"}, {"prompt": "Are the wheels missing?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "16"}, {"itemlist": "Yes,No,Don't know\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-AIRINTIRES"}, {"prompt": "Is there air in the tires?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "16"}, {"itemlist": "Yes,No,Don't know\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-RUSTY"}, {"prompt": "Are the chain and other components rusty?"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "16"}, {"itemlist": "Yes,No,Don't know\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-DAMAGES"}, {"prompt": "Is there any other damage to the bicycle (missing or bent wheels, missing seat, and other missing or damaged components)?"}, {"required": "N"}, {"type": "TextBox "}, {"width": "200"}, {"itemlist": "\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-MODELB"}, {"prompt": "Type of Bike"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "10"}, {"itemlist": "Children's,Mountain,Road,Other\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-COLORB"}, {"prompt": "Bike Color"}, {"required": "Y"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "10"}, {"itemlist": "Black,Blue,Brown,Gold,Green,Grey,Multi,Orange,Red,Silver,Tan,Violet,White,Yellow,Other\r"}]},
{"servicetype": [{"servicetype": "Abandoned Bicycles"}, {"servicecode": "S0021"}, {"name": "ABDBIC-LOCKED"}, {"prompt": "What is the bike locked to?"}, {"required": "N"}, {"type": "DropDown "}, {"width": "10"}, {"itemlist": "Bike Rack,Tree,Planter box,Parking meter,Sign pole,Trash can,Other\r"}]}
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