Here are some steps to bring the bulk Philly311 CSV file into a local SQLite database to enable SQL queries.
- sqlite3 (installed by default on OS X - try typing in
~$ which sqlite3
at a command prompt). - csvsql (follow installation instructions here if not already installed).
- SQLite Manager for Firefox.
Download the bulk CSV file for Philly311 requests. Note, there is a bug in the standard CSV download link. Use the alternate method described here.
Create a new sqlite table for the data:
~$ head -n 1000 311_Requests.csv | csvsql -i sqlite --tables requests | pbcopy
~$ sqlite3 philly311
Paste the table creation SQL code into the sqlite command prompt (cmd + v):
sqlite> CREATE TABLE requests (
...> address VARCHAR(32),
...> agency_responsible VARCHAR(62),
...> expected_datetime DATETIME NOT NULL,
...> lat FLOAT,
...> lon FLOAT,
...> media_url VARCHAR(84),
...> requested_datetime DATETIME NOT NULL,
...> service_code VARCHAR(7),
...> service_name VARCHAR(38) NOT NULL,
...> service_notice VARCHAR(16),
...> service_request_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
...> shape VARCHAR(28),
...> status VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,
...> updated_datetime DATETIME NOT NULL,
...> zipcode VARCHAR(10)
sqlite> .table
Note - you may also use csvsql
to insert data from a csv directly into a database if preferred. See the docs for more info. if you want to use this method.
Execute the following commands to import data from the downloaded CSV to sqlite:
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import 311_Requests.csv requests
sqlite> .quit
Open Firefox and launch SQLite Manager. Open the philly311
Now you can run SQL queries, like the following which shows average number of days to resolve a request for all closed requests by request category (see results below):
SELECT service_name, sum(1) as "num_requests", round(avg(julianday(updated_datetime) - julianday(requested_datetime)),2)
AS 'resolved_time' from requests
WHERE status = 'Closed'
GROUP BY service_name
ORDER BY resolved_time DESC;