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Mark Headd mheadd

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mheadd / datausa_census_api.rmd
Created July 11, 2016 14:42 — forked from lecy/
Building Census Dataset in R Using API
# Using the API for Census Data in R
This gist contains some notes on constructing a query for census and economic data from the []( site. This is a quick-start guide to their API; for in-depth documentation check out their [API documentation](
A great way to learn how to structure a query is to visit a specific page and click on the "Options" button on top of any graph, then select "API" to see the query syntax that created the graph.
## Example Use
mheadd / gist:3946457
Created October 24, 2012 14:41 — forked from boutell/gist:3941578
Display a Google map with markers linking to pages
// Display a map with markers that link to other pages. Each marker must
// have latitude, longitude and slug properties. There must also be a
// a 'url' option which is used to build the links. The following
// wildcards are replaced in the url: ID (with the id), SLUG (with the
// slug property), PUBLISHED (with /year/month/day taken from published_at),
// and START (with /year/month/day taken from start_date). In other words,
// you can pass most array-hydrated Doctrine objects, including Apostrophe
// blog posts and events, and easily generate links back to them.
// The hover text title of the marker is taken from title if present,
mheadd / cfpb-source-code-policy.txt
Created April 9, 2012 15:44 — forked from CFPBadmin/cfpb-source-code-policy.txt
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Source Code Policy
a) "Open Source Software" (OSS) is software that allows its recipients to modify and redistribute the source code; as such, "open source" is a copyright and distribution framework and makes no implications regarding technical support or indemnification. In almost all cases, OSS meets the definition of "commercial computer software" and shall be given appropriate statutory preference in accordance with 41 USC 264B (reference (b)) (see also FAR 2.101(b), 12_1.html 12.000, 12.101 (reference (c))).
b) Executive agencies, including CFPB, are required to conduct market research when preparing for the procurement of products or services by 41 USC Sec. 253a (reference (e)) (see also FAR 10.001. Market research for software should include OSS.
a. There are several positive aspects of OSS that should compel CFPB to seek out OSS when conducting market research on software for Bureau-wide use:
i. Publicly available source code enables continuous and broad peer review that
mheadd /
Created September 20, 2011 01:39 — forked from luigi/
Civic Hacking Quarterly - Fall 2011

There's a lot going on in the world of open government and open data. And it's tough to keep up. Once a quarter, we'll do our best to round up all the events and challenges going on that the Sunlight Labs community may be interested in.

If we've missed something going on through the end of the year, let us know in the comments. If you're planning an event for 2012, send Luigi a quick note.


  • Hack4Reno, September and October, Reno. The biggest little city in the world is hosting a series of events in the next month designed to build up a community of civic hackers, then caps it off with a 24 hour hackathon on October 15.
  • Hacks/Hackers at ONA 11, Sep. 22, Boston. A day of hacking as the Online News Association's annual conference kicks off.
  • Code 4 Country, Sep. 24-25, Washington, D.C. and Moscow: The first collabora