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Mark Headd mheadd

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axtheset /
Last active August 28, 2024 23:34
Accela Construct API - ASIT Examples
axtheset /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Create Create Assessment Observations Example
chriswhong / docker-cartodb.txt
Created June 21, 2016 14:55
Steps to get docker-cartodb working with a real domain
#Notes for getting docker-cartodb to run on a digitalocean droplet
As of 21 June 2016, the Dockerfile at sverhoeven/docker-cartodb is not up to date, and the build will fail. It seems to fail at step 39, when it goes to create a user, but was not able to update it to get it working. Hopefully someone else can get it going with the latest cartodb code.
However, running `docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 -p 8181:8181 sverhoeven/cartodb` will pull a complete docker image that is a few months old.
Running this image will get you a container that expects to run at the domain `cartodb.localhost`, and per the installation instructions you are told to update your hosts file to point cartodb.localhost to the IP of your docker host.
I wanted to run this with a real domain, so here are some notes on the steps involved.
- run the image using `docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 -p 8181:8181 sverhoeven/cartodb`
chriswhong /
Last active September 8, 2019 12:03
Run open trip planner docker container for NYC

This set of commands is for setting up an open trip planner instance for New York City. OTP requires GTFS data and OSM streets data to build a graph, which it uses for trip planning.

Lucky for us, someone here dockerhub has left a nice CLI command to build the graph and run the container, but we need to get the data first.

The data are downloaded on the host machine. For me, this is a digitalocean droplet running ubuntu 14.

First, get GTFS for the New York City Subway from the MTA's downloads page: wget Next, get OSM city extract for NYC. Thanks Mapzen!

Finally, run the following docker command: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/var/otp/graphs opentripplanner/opentripplanner --build /var/otp/graphs --analyst

chriswhong / data.json
Created December 7, 2016 19:02
Finding Data in Tableau Public Network Traffic
"sheetName": "FAR Part & Type of Contract",
"layoutId": "3447568417489532966",
"allowSubscriptions": true,
"allowSubscribeOnDataPresent": true,
"worldUpdate": {
"hyc": {
"ABX": "render-mode-client",
"res": {