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Max Heiber mheiber

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mheiber /
Last active December 30, 2024 13:00
notes on"Lego Mindset vs. Woordworking Mindset"

Lego Mindset vs. Woordworking Mindset by Scott Stevenson:

  • main concepts:
    • legibility (Lego), for which S. Stevenson links to A Big Little Idea Called Legibility (Venkatesh Rao) (oddly, calls that blog post a “seminal work” when it’s just a summary of “Seeing Like a State” by James Scott)
      • S. Stevenson misattributes the forest analogy to Venkatesh Rao! That’s analogy from the first few chapters of Seeing Like a State, so it seems S. Stevenson isn’t familiar with Seeing Like a State and may not have gone too deep on Rao’s summary.
    • the alternative S Stevenson gives to legible (Lego in his analogy) work is “object-level” work (woodworking) which is focused on an outcome (note: this part is very different from Seeing Like a State, where actually the legible solutions are more focused on outcomes!)
  • claims:
    • (attempts to justify, but it’s a we

Computing with excluded middle, like in Griffin's "A Formulae As Types Notion of Control"

Translated to OCaml using the double-negation translation of classical to intuitionist logic.

type void = |
mheiber / proving stuff in typescript.ts
Last active August 11, 2024 16:01
proving stuff in typescript.ts
// We prove this theorem: forall A,B,C. A \/ B -> C <-> (A -> C) /\ (B -> C)
// by representing the theorem as a type and showing the type is inhabited.
// To show type inhabitation, we make a value of the type.
// Note: this proof actually demonstrates something practical in programming:
// part of why the visitor pattern can be helpful in OO languages that don't have
// much support for sum types ("or"/algebraic data types) but do have product types ("and"/records).
type Theorem<A, B, C> = Iff<
((either: Or<A, B>) => C),
And<(a: A) => C, (b: B) => C>
mheiber / python.als
Last active July 30, 2024 16:11
Alloy model for safer python abstract methods
abstract sig Class {
methods: set Method,
parent: lone Class
sig AbstractClass, ConcreteClass extends Class {}
sig MethodName {}
abstract sig Method {
Warning: we are not using the native binary ocamlc.opt because it is older than the bytecode binary boot/ocamlc; you should silence this warning by either removing ocamlc.opt or rebuilding it (or `touch`-ing it) if you want it used.
../../ocamlc.opt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib ../../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma \
-I ../../parsing -I ../../driver \ -o cross-reference-checker
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C src all
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make html
../../runtime/ocamlrun ../tools/texquote2 < allfiles.etex > allfiles.texquote_error.tex
mv allfiles.texquote_error.tex allfiles.tex
../../runtime/ocamlrun ../tools/texquote2 < foreword.etex > foreword.texquote_error.tex
mv foreword.texquote_error.tex foreword.tex
ocaml_binary(name = 'ackermann_3_2_is_' +
(lambda x, m, n: x(x, m, n))
((lambda x, m, n: n + 1 if m == 0 else (x(x, m - 1, 1) if n == 0 else x(x, m - 1, x(x, m, n - 1)))), 3, 2)
), srcs = [], deps = [])
(* from *)
module Eq = struct
type ('a,'b) eq = Refl of 'a option ref * 'b option ref
let refl () = let r = ref None in Refl (r,r)
let symm : ('a,'b) eq -> ('b,'a) eq = function
Refl (x,y) -> Refl (y,x)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
module type HdArg = sig
type t
val x: t list
val continuation : t -> unit
let hd (module M : HdArg): unit =
let fn : M.t list -> M.t = function
def hole_is_a_variable():
_ = 'hello'
print(_) # 'hello'
def hole_is_not_a_variable():
match 'hello':
case _:
print(_) # NameError