Lego Mindset vs. Woordworking Mindset by Scott Stevenson:
- main concepts:
- legibility (Lego), for which S. Stevenson links to A Big Little Idea Called Legibility (Venkatesh Rao) (oddly, calls that blog post a “seminal work” when it’s just a summary of “Seeing Like a State” by James Scott)
- S. Stevenson misattributes the forest analogy to Venkatesh Rao! That’s analogy from the first few chapters of Seeing Like a State, so it seems S. Stevenson isn’t familiar with Seeing Like a State and may not have gone too deep on Rao’s summary.
- the alternative S Stevenson gives to legible (Lego in his analogy) work is “object-level” work (woodworking) which is focused on an outcome (note: this part is very different from Seeing Like a State, where actually the legible solutions are more focused on outcomes!)
- legibility (Lego), for which S. Stevenson links to A Big Little Idea Called Legibility (Venkatesh Rao) (oddly, calls that blog post a “seminal work” when it’s just a summary of “Seeing Like a State” by James Scott)
- claims:
- (attempts to justify, but it’s a we