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Created August 4, 2010 14:21
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Getting started with unison

Get dependencies.

sudo apt-get install ocaml-interp ocaml-compiler-libs # Ubuntu
sudo zypper install ctags ocaml

Get unison source, unpack, make and install (defaults to $HOME/bin).

curl -O
tar -xzf unison-2.40.16.tar.gz
cd unison-2.40.16
make install # naar $HOME/bin, zorg dat in path zit

on WinXp side install OpenSSH, try to run command

Put the unison.exe (text version) somewhere and add that folder to the PATH variable (My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environmient Variables > second box).

configs onder C:\Documents and Settings\hermansm.unison

via hard links:

C:\Documents and Settings\hermansm\.unison>fsutil hardlink create "C:\Documents and Settings\hermansm\.unison\loki_lokal.prf" "C:\Documents and Settings\hermansm\Mijn documenten\system\config\unison_prefs\loki_local.prf"

If SSH server, create passwd file

check same version


Unison on Synology DS410

DS410: CPU Freescale 8533 E; Arch: PowerPC; Big Endian; Linux 2.6.24

gcc343_glibc234_853x.tgz Onder "DSM 2.3 Tool Chains" > "PowerPC 853x Linux 2.6.24"

sudo tar zxpf gcc343_glibc234_853x.tgz –C /usr/local/
cd powerpc-linux-gnuspe/

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