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Created December 30, 2010 01:26
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BEL20 interlocking directorates: from Freebase to Gephi
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pip install python-freebase
# pip install git+git://
# need github version, as write_gexf() is not in current
# networkx 1.3 release
import freebase as fb
import networkx as nx
def getBoardMembers(id=None, name=None):
"""Return all the board members for a company."""
# MQL query, in the form of a Python datastructure
qGetBoardMembers = {
"/organization/organization/board_members": [{
"/organization/organization_board_membership/member": {
"name": None,
"id": None
"id": None,
"name": None
# Assign the id and/or the name/label in the query
qGetBoardMembers['id'] = id
qGetBoardMembers['name'] = name
result = fb.mqlread(qGetBoardMembers)
# construct a tuple with two dictionaries (rootnode and related nodes)
# a node has a { id : label } form
persons = {}
for p in result['/organization/organization/board_members']:
pid = p['/organization/organization_board_membership/member']['id']
plabel = p['/organization/organization_board_membership/member']['name']
persons[pid] = plabel
rootnode = {result['id']: result['name']}
return (rootnode, persons)
def getBoardMemberships(id=None, name=None):
"""Get al boardmemberships for a person."""
qGetBoardMemberships = {
"/business/board_member/organization_board_memberships": [{
"/organization/organization_board_membership/organization": {
"id": None,
"name": None
"id": None,
"name": None,
"type": "/business/board_member"
qGetBoardMemberships['id'] = id
qGetBoardMemberships['name'] = name
result = fb.mqlread(qGetBoardMemberships)
companies = {}
for m in result['/business/board_member/organization_board_memberships']:
cid = m['/organization/organization_board_membership/organization']['id']
clbl = m['/organization/organization_board_membership/organization']['name']
companies[cid] = clbl
rootnode = {result['id']: result['name']}
return (rootnode, companies)
def toGraph(rootnode, nodes, invert=False):
"""Convert a graph structure from tuple-form to networkx format."""
G = nx.DiGraph() # Directed graph
# Add rootnode
rootid, rootlbl = rootnode.popitem()
G.add_node(rootid, label=rootlbl)
# Add related nodes and edges _from_ root node
# if inverted, edges will be _to_ root node
for nodeid, nodelbl in nodes.iteritems():
G.add_node(nodeid, label=nodelbl)
if invert == False:
G.add_edge(rootid, nodeid)
G.add_edge(nodeid, rootid)
return G
def mergeCompanies(companylist):
"""Create a joint networkx graph for multiple companies.
Keyword argument is a dictionary of company nodes, e.g.
{ '\companyid' : 'name' , ... }
G = nx.DiGraph()
for c in companylist.keys():
data = getBoardMembers(id=c) # query on id
cG = toGraph(*data) # unpack tuple
G = nx.compose(G,cG) # merge in main graph, autom. deduplication
return G
# There is currently no property for expressing that a company is part
# of a market index such as BEL20, otherwise we could just query
# for that
BEL20 = ["Anheuser-Busch InBev", 'Solvay', 'Delhaize Group', 'UCB',
'Ackermans & Van Haaren', 'Bekaert', 'Cofinimmo',
'Groupe Bruxelles Lambert', 'Omega Pharma', 'Umicore',
'Belgacom', 'Befimmo-Sicafi', 'KBC Group', 'Telenet Group Holding N.V.',
'Colruyt', 'GDF Suez', 'Mobistar', 'NPM/CNP', 'Dexia', 'Ageas']
# Get the boardmembers of every company a boardmember of a BEL20 company is on
# (not the most efficient way...)
companydict = {}
for c in BEL20:
cnode, pnodes = getBoardMembers(name=c)
for p in pnodes.values():
pnode, cnodes = getBoardMemberships(name=p)
# Merge the data for all the companies in a single graph
G = mergeCompanies(companydict)
# Write to the Gephi GEXF XML-format
nx.write_gexf(G, 'directorates.gexf')
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