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Created April 22, 2011 08:06
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redis examples
SDIFF fullstack stack processed error
[toon missings]
SDIFFSTORE missings fullstack stack processed error
SUNIONSTORE stack stack missings


sudo yum install make gcc python-devel
curl -O
python redisenv
. my_redisenv/bin/activate
pip install mechanize BeautifulSoup jellyfish

Install tmux

dl from sourceforge curl -L -O <direct link>
yum install ncurses-devel libevent-dev
make, make install

redis-server | tee -a log.txt

Move repo to webfactional

git clone --bare /home/user/myrepo/.git /tmp/myrepo.git
scp -r /tmp/myrepo.git
git clone

ssh-add key.pem

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