Your Name:
Slack Username:
Email Address:
Primary Spoken Language:
2. Please describe any previous usage with mitmproxy, Charles, Fiddler, ZAP, Burp, other Honeynet Project tools, honeypots and HTTP tools in general.
We expect most students to leave this section blank.
8. Please list all jobs, summer classes, vacations, exams, and/or other commitments that you'll need to work around.
Use this question in your favor and list as much as possible: If you have exams in the middle of GSoC, you should absolutely take some time off around them. If you have some vacation planned, absolutely list it. We can always start earlier or stretch the timeline a bit, it's important to us that you don't overwork yourself. List everything and be specific!
9. Have you participated in any previous Summer of Code project? If so please describe your project and your experience.
Please describe your proposed project in detail, including deliverables and expected timeline with milestones (this is the long answer, so spend most time here!).