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Created December 5, 2022 11:31
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Day 5 advent of code 2022
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, Strict #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Char
forEach xs state' f = foldM (\st v -> runState (f v) st) state' xs
stackBuilder (numbers:input) =
count = read (last $ words numbers) :: Int
crateStacks = map (const []) [1..count] -- 0-indexes are and remmain a mistake
stackValues stack Nothing = stack
stackValues stack (Just a) = a : stack
parseCrateLine [] = []
parseCrateLine ('[':a:']':as) = Just ['[',a,']'] : parseCrateLine (drop 1 as)
parseCrateLine (' ':' ':' ':as) = Nothing : parseCrateLine (drop 1 as)
foldl' (zipWith stackValues) crateStacks (map parseCrateLine input)
parseOperation operation = let
no_move = drop 5 operation
(count, no_from) = (takeWhile isDigit no_move, drop 6 $ dropWhile isDigit no_move)
(from, no_to) = (takeWhile isDigit no_from, drop 4 $ dropWhile isDigit no_from)
to = takeWhile isDigit no_to
in (read count, read from, read to)
swapIn = go 0 where
go _ _ _ [] = []
go n (from,f) (to,t) (x:xs)
| n == from = f : go (n + 1) (from,f) (to,t) xs
| n == to = t : go (n + 1) (from,f) (to,t) xs
| otherwise = x : go (n + 1) (from,f) (to,t) xs
part1 input stacks mover = forEach input stacks \operation -> do
modify \stacks ->
(count, from, to) = parseOperation operation
fromCrate = stacks !! (from - 1)
toCrate = stacks !! (to - 1)
(elements, fromCrate') = splitAt count fromCrate
toCrate' = mover toCrate elements
swapIn (from - 1, fromCrate') (to - 1, toCrate') stacks
crateMover 9000 = foldl (flip (:))
crateMover 9001 = foldr (:)
main = do
input <- lines <$> readFile "/tmp/input1.txt"
let (crates_info, operations) = fmap (drop 1) $ first reverse $ break null input
let stacks = stackBuilder crates_info
print $ map ((!! 1) . head) <$> part1 operations stacks (crateMover 9000)
input <- lines <$> readFile "/tmp/input2.txt"
let (crates_info, operations) = fmap (drop 1) $ first reverse $ break null input
let stacks = stackBuilder crates_info
print $ map ((!! 1) . head) <$> part1 operations stacks (crateMover 9001)
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