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Created March 3, 2013 10:12
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My notes from devel 2013 conference

EsteJS - javascriptové aplikace robusně, modulárně a komfortně Daniel Steigerwald

  • Grunt - The JavaScript Task Runner
  • Bower - A package manager for the web
  • Component - Component package manager for building a better web.
  • AngularJS - MVC Javascript framework
  • Sencha, Dojo... za 2 týdny Vojtěch Semecký

  • - Application in just 2 weeks
  • Reverse proxy based on cookie value and given uri (nginx)
  • JSON as a storage format

My comment: I don't understand why authors haven't used MongoDB as they could only save it into collection and then work with it in much better way... It's like saving all of my data to txt file, because that is the simpliest way how to do it.

Code reviews FTW! David Majda, Josef Reidinger

  • Nice presentation about some useful things while doing code reviews
  • Code review is not a review of a person, but of his code!
  • Same as github flow ( - There was no mention of github flow in the presnetation
  • Github as a tool for code reviewing

My comment: I've found github as the best tool for code reviews as you can write your comment at specific line of code.

Strojové učení z rychlíku Michal Illich

  • Interesting subject, but the presentation did not show any real example
  • Neural network, Decision tree learning, SVM
  • Whole presentation was a bit slow and could use faster pace.

Soft(ware) skills David Grudl

  • Try to remove all not needed things from your website.
  • When you create a form make sure it make sense.
  • Ajax loading - Change cursor icon and indicate page loading (with iframe...)

Zahashovat heslo, uložit, ..., profit! Michal Špaček

  • Use more time consuming opretaions to crypt/hash your password
  • PHP 5.5 password api
  • Blowfish
  • Don't use md5 or sha1 without complicated salt
  • Do not send password over email (password should be always entered by user)
  • Leave problem with security to someone else and use third party login (Facebook, Google+, Twitter...)

Velká data, Internet věcí a velká příležitost Patrick Zandl

  • Big data - actual problem (not enough people to check all data)
  • Problem in energy industry and a way how it could be solved with Big data

Začínáme iOS vývoj Michal Vašíček

  • Quick introduction to iOS application development

S CoffeeScriptem snadněji, rychleji a radostněji! Martin Malý

Tvorba javascriptové aplikace v AngularJS pomocí Ladislav Prskavec

  • Api definition on
  • Test your api implementation with
  • Proxy from apiary to your application - monitor requests with in development
  • Contact support of to access some of not yet released features
  • Grunt
  • Live reload
  • Slides:

Osobná produktivita pomocou vlastných rozšírení do prehliadača Riki Fridrich

var dummy = document.createElement('div');
dummy.innerHTML = invalidXMLString;
dummy.innerHTML; // valid DOM ;-)
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