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Forked from dmytro/
Last active November 30, 2016 22:47
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Start multiple synchronized SSH connections with Tmux
# ssh-multi
# D.Kovalov
# Based on
# a script to ssh multiple servers over multiple tmux panes
starttmux() {
if [ -z "$HOSTS" ]; then
echo -n "Please provide of list of hosts separated by spaces [ENTER]: "
read HOSTS
local hosts=( $HOSTS )
tmux new-window "ssh ${hosts[0]}"
unset hosts[0];
for i in "${hosts[@]}"; do
tmux split-window -h "ssh $i"
tmux select-layout tiled > /dev/null
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux set-window-option synchronize-panes on > /dev/null
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