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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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  • Save mhoye/354c484efb8626b73731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mhoye/354c484efb8626b73731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Change bluetooth audio parameters on OSX to solve dropping/choppy audio problems on Yosemite
# (and earlier, reportedly) w/ BT headphones. This is not a perfect solution, but reduces
# the number of interruptions dramatically. It has been tested on exactly one machine with
# iTunes local audio only; please leave a comment if you discover it causes any problems with AirPlay
# or other software.
defaults write "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" 48
defaults write "Stream - Max Outstanding Packets (editable)" 10
defaults write "Stream Resume Delay" 0
# ... then turn Bluetooth off and on again from the taskbar. Previous defaults on my machine were:
#$> defaults read
# "Apple Bitpool Max (editable)" = 64;
# "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" = 40;
# "Apple Initial Bitpool (editable)" = 30;
# "Negotiated Bitpool" = 40;
# "Negotiated Bitpool Max" = 60;
# "Negotiated Bitpool Min" = 2;
# "Stream - Flush Ring on Packet Drop (editable)" = 0;
# "Stream - Max Outstanding Packets (editable)" = 10;
# "Stream Resume Delay" = "0.75";
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