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Created October 11, 2014 13:08
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{"h":[{"d":[{"f":"mistake * error錯誤,過失"},{"e":["O `raraw~ ako `konini~.I made this mistake.這是我的過失","`moraraway~ / `ma~`raraw~`ay~ to `lalan~to go astray / get lost走錯了路,迷失了路,迷失方向","O `ci~`raraw~`ay~ `kako~.1. I am associated with an error. 2. I am a sinner.1. 我有過失 2. 我是罪人","`Moraraw~ / `ma~`raraw~ ko `caciyaw~ akoI said the wrong thing.我說錯了話","`Pararaw~ `koya~ `tamdaw~ `takowanan~.He made me out to be a sinner (when I was innocent).他把罪加諸於我(他誣賴我)","`Mapararaw~ `nira~ `kako~.1. He made me an innocent party look guilty. 2. He misled me.1. 他誣陷我 2. 他導我入歧途"],"f":"as used in the biblical context it has become the word sin聖經上當罪講"}]}],"t":"raraw"}
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